That's nice idea. Let's divide the setup into three parts.
1. Server - Java Game Server. (you may chose to have another one)
2. Client - Midlet that intercepts the phone keys, send them over the channel and ultimately treat them as Joystick buttons.
3. Channel - minimum i assume you would be looking for GPRS. IP channel.
Let the customer dial the number through your Java Midelt. If you are good in sockets you can do it fast.
But i doubt the interactivity experience for the user.
Navjot Singh
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Nil Mekki
Sent: Friday, September 12, 2003 9:59 PM
Subject: VERY URGENT : Mobile phone & computer connexion
Importance: High


Hi everybody ,


This question, I thing doesn’t have a lot to do with kannel, but may be one of you has an answer.


I am developing a pacman game (flash or java), and I would like the user to be able to play it with the mobile phone.

I explain, the game is on the screen of my computer, without keyboard, anybody who would want to play pacman, can dial à phone number with the mobile phone and play using the phones buttons.


Does anyone of you have a solution, a link or what ever can help me with that !



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