Kannel tries to make your life easy by providing the simplest possible
interface to send SMS. HTTP-GET, HTTP-POST, HTTP-POST-XML.

HOW? by hiding the CIMD2/SMPP/xyz client details within itself.

You can bypass the kannel layer to send SMSes by writing the client with in
your application but that needs the knowledge of the SMSC protocol, CIMD2 in
your case. There nust be some API available on NOkia website for that.


>-----Original Message-----
>Rafael 'Dido' Sevilla
>Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2003 5:22 PM
>Subject: SMS push methods
>I'm trying to use Kannel to manage connections to a CIMD2-based SMSC,
>and am just wondering if there is any other way to send SMS messages
>apart from using the HTTP interface.  If there are none, has anyone
>seriously benchmarked the use of this interface for sending large
>volumes of messages?  We are interested in pushing thousands of
>messages, and we wouldn't want to have a script that takes days to send
>all these messages out.

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