On Wed, 2003-11-12 at 12:03, Amit Dang wrote:
> No, My question is how to correlate between message submitted using
> deliver_sm and delivery notification received for it.
> Sequence Number is only used for correlation between request and
> response not between message and its delivery notification.
> I hope now you got my question.
deliver_sm PDU contains the SMSC generated id for the message.
Kannel does comparison for the SMSC-ID(Kannel) and the supposedly unique
Timestamp(the message ID generated by the SMSC ). The SMSC-ID+Timestamp
should obviously make a unique combination.

See dlr_find (and dlr_find_mem) method in dlr.c for understanding how
this works.

What kannel does is adds this id 
first time it gets a submit_sm_resp to dlr table ( internal, mysql or
any other) and then compare it with deliver_sm's id field. 

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