
Thank you for your detailed response! I'd love to see this work. :)

>> My question is this: is it enough to have a server with a static IP,
>> running kannel's wapbox software, to have a WAP gateway?
>Yes, you simply run two of kannel's apps - wapbox and bearerbox and

Great, that's what I hoped. Wanted to make sure I wasn't making some silly
mistake, like not having some obviously required piece of hardware I had
never heard of. ;)

>Perhaps you should show what your config looks like. I was once told that
>once you install kannel and you believe it's running, you can use an
>application called fakewap in the distro to test if your setup is
>actually doing what you expect.

I found fakewap, and tried using it without any luck. I can still telnet
to the configured port (9203) and bearerbox registers an attempt, but when
I do so with fakewap, I get nothing.

I thought maybe the problem was related the network setup on the machine
I'm using (one NIC card facing inward to my network, another facing out
with a static IP), so I compiled Kannel on another remote machine with a
more vanilla setup (one NIC card, static IP, living at a colo, running
RH), and am still experiencing the same exact issues as before. My
configuration file looks like this:

        group = core
        admin-port = 13000
        wapbox-port = 9203
        admin-password = [deleted]
        wdp-interface-name = "*"
        log-file = "/tmp/bearerbox.log"
        log-level = 3
        box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
        box-deny-ip = ""

        group = wapbox
        bearerbox-host = localhost
        log-file = "/tmp/wapbox.log"
        log-level = 3
        syslog-level = none
        access-log = "/tmp/wapaccess.log"

Requests to the http admin port 13000 seem to return okay, with correct
server uptimes. Fakewap requests to 9203 die silently, unacknowledged by
the server.

>If your box has a static IP, then the problem is in your box, not your
>provider. Are you able to browse/ping other sites from your box? If so, I
>believe any connections from your box to the outside (even though
>originated from a wap browser) are normal TCP conections and so should
>not be a problem.

Yeah, both machines I've tried this on are active webservers, connected to
the outside world with static IP's. I am certain there are no issues with
TCP functionality itself.

Thank you again for the assistance,

michal migurski- contact info and pgp key:
sf/ca            http://mike.teczno.com/contact.html

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