I use the software of vmware to install Red Hat Linux release 9 (Shrike) Kernel 2.4.20-8 as client system ,the host system is Windows 2000 server at the same PC. And I install kannel-1.2.0-5.i386.rpm into Red Hat 9. My Kannel.conf as follows, group = core admin-port = 13000 wapbox-port = 13002 admin-password = bar #status-password = foo #admin-deny-ip = "" #admin-allow-ip = "" wdp-interface-name = "*" log-file = "/tmp/bearerbox.log" log-level = 0 box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*" box-allow-ip = "" #access-log = "access.log" #store-file = "kannel.store"
group = wapbox bearerbox-host = localhost log-file = "/tmp/wapbox.log" log-level = 0 syslog-level = none access-log = "/tmp/wapaccess.log" This kannel.conf is default by kannel ,but I only had changed the value of the log-level form 1 to 0. Who could tell me that why bearerbox could not start up? Dose its reason lies in the configure file? thank you very much!! =============================================== 诺基亚铃声 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=3&type=24 摩托罗拉铃声 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=3&type=26 西门子铃声 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=3&type=25 诺基亚小图 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=2 诺基亚大图 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=2&type=3740 西门子图片 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=2&type=30 手机点歌 http://sms.tom.com/index2.php?inc=song ===============================================