
  I have configured ericsson t68i as smsc and I am able to send and
  receive sms messages. However copy of all messages I receive is
  stored in phone. I do not need that. Is it possible to configure
  Kannel ir such way, that it would delete incoming messages after
  they are received?

  This is my configuration:
group = smsc
smsc = at2
modemtype = ericsson_t68
smsc-id = t68
device = /dev/cuaa1
speed = 9600
pin = 1297
retry = 10
port = /dev/cuaa1
my-number = "####"
sms-center = "####"

group = modems
id = ericsson_t68
name = "Ericsson T68"
detect-string = "T68"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=3,3"
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
broken = true
sendline-sleep = 500
message-storage = "ME"


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