On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 16:51 +0800, Jane P. Ifurung wrote:
> Hello! Is it possible to use the sendsms feature of Kannel
> (http://XXX.XXX.XX.X/cgi-bin/sendsms?....) even if my smsbox is not
> installed with a web server (such as apache) and php?

Kannel has no dependency on any web server; so the answer is yes.
Definitely, you don't want smsbox listen on a port number less than
1024, because then you'd need it to run as root which is still a bad
idea. Therefore you will need to include the port number in the URL.

Enver ALTIN                   |        http://skyblue.gen.tr/
Software developer @ Parkyeri |      http://www.parkyeri.com/

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