Many thanks for Your helpfull replyes :),
but I still have one question (later on)...

Yes, this (as Kalle described) is exactly what I'm trying to
do (both MO and MT, but not having hard time with MO part):


HTTP-content gateway   --(http)-->  
 Kannel-http-smsc-interface(above) (in bearerbox)  --(tcp/ip)-->
  smsbox --(http)--->

and then reply:

   application --(http-reply/smsPush)-->
  smsbox --(tcp/ip)-->
 Kannel-http-smsc (in bearerbox) --(http)-->


We are going to integrate with many smsc, and most of them with SMPP.
But while there are some http based smsc:s, my plan is to put some
converter.php between kannel and smsc.

So, when http based smsc delivers MO message:
- smsc contacts url pointing to myconverter.php
- myconverter.php then sends message to kannel
- kannel delivers message to MyApp as it would come from any other smsc.

When sending MT message to http based smsc:
- MyApp sends message to kannel
- kannel sends that message to MyConverter.php
- MyConverter.php sends message to smsc

I know I could take messages directly to MyApp from http based smsc,
but I want to keep sms interface for MyApp as simple as possible.

Now the question: how do I deliver message from MyConverter.php
to kannel?

Could it be something like this:


- port 13015 is port configured for SMSC1 (see config file below) is this
correct port to use?
- path - what would be the correct port?
- are these params (smsc, username, password, from, text) valid here?
- is keyword and message body really delivered like url above shows?


>Your configuration seems to be okay - except that you have to
>know how that content gateway uses that HTTP (parameters etc.)
>I doubt that 'system-type = kannel' works, nor other supported
>(brunet, xidris, wapme) - if not, you have to make your own
>version of http-smsc.
>After all, every content gateway has their own way of receiving/sending
>messages over HTTP... :]

> Below is my configuration file:
> group = core
> admin-port = 13000
> admin-password = ******
> admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> admin-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> smsbox-port = 13003
> wdp-interface-name = "*"
> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> box-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> group = smsbox
> bearerbox-host = localhost
> sendsms-port = 13131
> sendsms-chars = "0123456789 "
> global-sender = 13131
> access-log = "/kannel.access"
> log-file = "/smsbox.log"
> log-level = 0
> group = sendsms-user
> username = ******
> password = ******
> user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> dlr-url = http://*.*.*.*/dlr.php?type=%d
> # SMSC1
> group = smsc
> smsc = http
> port = 13015
> smsc-id = SMSC1
> allowed-smsc-id = SMSC1
> system-type = kannel
> connect-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
> smsc-username = un
> smsc-password = pw
> send-url = "http://*.*.*.*/SMSC1.php";
> group = sms-service
> keyword = KEYWORD
> get-url = "http://*.*.*.*/MOReceiver.php?sender=%p&text=%r";
> :)Marko
 &Kalle Marjola ::: Development ::: Helsinki ::: Enpocket

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