Dear Arno,
Thank You for the quck reply.
I have to confess that I don't try this connection on the Kannel gateway, just on my GSM operator's WAP gateway. (t-mobile)
I think I came over the GPRS part of the connection,  I can send UDP packeges and I receive answer packages like this.
(UDP layer parts removed in this example, it is just the user data. )
send: 0A 00 01 32  (try to connect anyhow on WTP)
rec:   9C 80 01 19 00
rec:   9C 80 01 19 00 
This package comes from time to time, I think I should ACK it, but don't know how. (Tried to compose ACK message, but not succeeded.)
What would be a general form of connecting to the gateway and send a "get URL" ?
Best Regards
>Try first with dial-up link (CSD). GPRS has problems of its own
>On 11.1.2004, at 12:10, Rozsahegyi Robert wrote:
Howdy List Members !
I would like to connect to a WAP gateway through GPRS, and fetch a
simple wap page. (The UDP level of the stack is working now.)
I read through the standards about WTP and WSP, but however an example
would be very helpful.
Does anyone have an example (eg. a package dump) about the followings ?
- WTP/WSP connecting to the WAP gateway (on 9201)
- WTP/WSP asking for a simple page (eg.
Thank for everyone who can help.

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