It's been a while since I've looked at this code, but if I build Kannel with assertions turned off, will it stop shutting down with panics or will it instead crash violently? I ask because I have always had issues with wapbox hitting asserts and shutting down, thus disabling WAP 1 browsing and PPG and whatever else that entails. That'd be fine in a test environment as then I'd know something went wrong, but this is production with live customers. The asserts generally look like things that shouldn't be fatal for wapbox -- the latest a few minutes ago was:

2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:2340: seems_valid_real: Assertion `ostr->len + 1 <= ostr->size' failed. (Called from gwlib/octstr.c:317:octstr_dest
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(gw_panic+0x19a) [0x80d03f7]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox [0x80d816d]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(octstr_destroy+0x2f) [0x80d28d1]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(octstr_destroy_item+0x11) [0x80d2905]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(list_destroy+0x35) [0x80ce555]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(http_destroy_headers+0x1e) [0x80cc567]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox [0x80c80f2]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox(http_receive_result+0xb4) [0x80ca691]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox [0x805c21d]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /usr/local/sbin/wapbox [0x80c648a]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /lib/ [0x400a4dd6]
2005-02-15 12:04:30 [27939] [8] PANIC: /lib/ [0x4037a9aa]

I mean sure it's horrible that the lengths were off, but it's not so horrible that we should kill all WAP/PPG traffic until a monitoring script recovers the system. I'm guessing ./configure --disable-assertions would fix this, but I want to check as this *is* production. TIA. :)


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