**>Date: Fri, 25 Feb 2005 16:20:08 +0200
**>From: Kaspars Foigts <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
**>To: users@kannel.org
**>Subject: DLR handling
**>  Hello!
**>  I got a problem with DLR handling in Kannel (latest). When kannel
**>  submits short message via SMPP v3.4, it receives message_id in
**>  decimal format. Delivery reports contain this message_id in decimal
**>  format too. So, in corresponding SMSC group i set "msg-id-type" to
**>  0x00 (which means "deliver_sm decimal, submit_sm_resp decimal").
**>  However, log shows following (excerpts only):
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[Zimbabwe]: Sending PDU:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x81ab440 dump:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   type_name: submit_sm
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_id: 4 = 0x00000004
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 3 = 0x00000003
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   service_type: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr_ton: 2 = 0x00000002
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr: "930730301"
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   dest_addr_ton: 2 = 0x00000002
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   dest_addr_npi: 1 = 0x00000001
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   destination_addr: 
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   esm_class: 3 = 0x00000003
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   protocol_id: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   priority_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   schedule_delivery_time: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   validity_period: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   registered_delivery: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sm_length: 11 = 0x0000000b
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   short_message: "Information"
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[Zimbabwe]: Got PDU:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x81ab440 dump:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   type_name: submit_sm_resp
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_id: 2147483652 = 0x80000004
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 3 = 0x00000003
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   message_id: "26774754"
**>2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.

  Where's the log entry stating the bearerbox has created a DLR
  entry?  It should look something like:

  2005-02-25 16:01:20 [10232] [7] DEBUG: DLR[internal]: Adding DLR 
smsc=Zimbabwe, ts=, src=930730301, dst=92379150131039958, mask=X, boxc=

  Where X was the dlr-mask you issued for the MT SMS.

**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[Zimbabwe]: Got PDU:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU 0x81ab440 dump:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   type_name: deliver_sm
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_id: 5 = 0x00000005
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sequence_number: 2 = 0x00000002
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   service_type: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr_ton: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr_npi: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   source_addr: "930730301"
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   dest_addr_ton: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   dest_addr_npi: 0 = 0x00000000

  Why is your Operator telling you that the destination TON and NPI
  is zero (0)? They should be returning TON=2/NPI=1 (what you
  submitted to them) unless your operator is using async TON/NPI...which
  would be really weird.

**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   destination_addr: 
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   esm_class: 4 = 0x00000004
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   protocol_id: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   priority_flag: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   schedule_delivery_time: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   validity_period: NULL
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   registered_delivery: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   replace_if_present_flag: 0 = 
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   data_coding: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sm_default_msg_id: 0 = 0x00000000
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   sm_length: 26 = 0x0000001a
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:   short_message:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:    Octet string at 0x81ab408:
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:      len:  26
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:      size: 27
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:      immutable: 0
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:      data: 69 64 3a 32 36 37 37 34 37 
35 34 20 73 74 61 74   id:26774754 stat
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:      data: 75 73 3a 63 68 61 72 67 65 
64                     us:charged
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG:    Octet string dump ends.
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP PDU dump ends.

  Hmmm...the SMPP doesn't follow the example from the v3.4 SMPP specs...more
  about this later.

**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[Zimbabwe] handle_pdu, got DLR

**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: SMPP[Zimbabwe]: Couldnot parse DLR 
string sscanf way,fallback to old way. Please report!
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] DEBUG: DLR[internal]: Looking for DLR 
smsc=Zimbabwe, ts=26774754, dst=930730301, type=2
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] WARNING: DLR[internal]: DLR for 
DST<930730301> not found.
**>2005-02-25 16:01:38 [10232] [7] ERROR: SMPP[Zimbabwe]: got DLR but could not 
find message or was not interested in it id<26774754> dst<92379150131039958>, 

The last four lines relate to the parsing of the DLR returned via the
deliver_sm. The SMPP driver inside the bearerbox will look for the
message-id and status in the SMPP PDU.  For this incident, Kannel
could not find the message-id inside the SMPP PDU's TLV for
receipted-message-id. Therefore, it looked for it inside the data
of the SMS.

The format used by your SMPP Server does not follow the example as given
in Appendix B of SMPP v3.4 which is:
  id:IIIIIIIIII sub:SSS dlvrd:DDD submit date:YYMMDDhhmm done date:YYMMDDhhmm 
stat:DDDDDDD err:E Text:.......

where id:IIIIIIIII is the message-id (up to 10 octet) and stat:DDDDDDD is
the status of the DLR.  The DDDDDDD could be one of the following:

Since your SMPP provider used the format of:
  id:26774754 status:charged
the bearerbox could only find the message-id and assigned the type of
DLR to be 2 (DLR_FAIL). It then send all this info to the
gateway/gw/dlr.c:dlr_find() routine.

Since your bearerbox logs do not indicate that Kannel created a DLR
entry, the dlr_find() could not find anything that matched the DLR
report just received.

Is this a complete log?  A key part of the log is missing. That's the:
  Adding DLR smsc=Zimbabwe, ts=, src=930730301, dst=92379150131039958, mask=X, 

part.  Without that, it means that Kannel didn't setup the DLR entry
that will be used when the DLR comes from the operator.

See ya...


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