Hi all,

I'm tring to configure Kannel as an SMS Gateway on Linux RH Enterprise 3 using a TC-35 GSM modem connecte via serial interface ttyS0.

I've the following problem at bearerbox start up

[EMAIL PROTECTED] riccardo]# bearerbox smskannel.conf
2005-03-24 14:08:59 [5140] [0] INFO: Debug_lvl = -1, log_file = <none>, log_lvl = 0
2005-03-24 14:08:59 [5140] [0] WARNING: DLR: using default 'internal' for storage type.
2005-03-24 14:08:59 [5140] [0] INFO: DLR using storage type: internal
Segmentation fault
[EMAIL PROTECTED] riccardo]#

Is it a known problem with RH Enteprise 3? I didn't have errors during compilation and the TC35 modem is working (tested with minicom an AT commands). Can you suggest me how to proceed in troubleshooting?

The configuration file is the following:

group = core
admin-port = 13000
smsbox-port = 13001
admin-password = bar
status-password = foo
#admin-deny-ip = ""
#admin-allow-ip = ""
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.log"
#log-level = 0
box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
unified-prefix = "+39,0039,39"
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
store-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.store"
#ssl-certkey-file = "mycertandprivkeyfile.pem"


group = smsc
smsc = at2
smsc-id = T35
modemtype = siemens_tc35
pin = 8508
device = /dev/ttyS0
speed = 9600

group = modems
id = siemens_tc35
name = "Siemens TC35"
detect-string = "SIEMENS"
detect-string2 = "TC35"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,0,1"
speed = 9600
enable-hwhs = "AT\\Q3"
need-sleep = true


group = smsbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
global-sender = 13013
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
#log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"


group = sendsms-user
username = root
password = ciccio
forced-smsc = T35
user-deny-ip = ""
user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
#user-deny-ip = ""
#user-allow-ip = ""


group = sms-service
keyword = nop
text = "You asked nothing and I did it!"

# this service is for Kannel relay testing, when this Kannel
# works as relay gateway

group = sms-service
keyword = relay
get-url = "http://localhost:15130/sms?user=kannel&pass=rL4y&from=%p&to=%P&text=%r";
max-messages = 0

# there should be default always

group = sms-service
keyword = default
text = "No service specified"

Best Regards

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