
I changed my 6230 for a siemens MC35 which seem to work fine. I sent an MMS to the GSM modem and as expected saw the magic sms that notifies the phone an MMS is ready for it. Unfortanatly I also got this:

2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- 07914497370190374010D04F79D87D2E379B530004504052510435408C0B05040B8423F000030002010106356170706C69636174696F6E2F766E642E7761702E6D6D732D6D65737361676500B13139322E3136382E3232342E31303100AF84B4818C8298516D3042644D436F344D49414142677641414141435141424F636F4141414141008D908919802B3434373739333734363132312F545950453D504C4D4E009646573A008A80
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: Alphanumeric sender <OrangeMMS>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: User data length read as (140)
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: Udh decoding done len=128 udhi=1 udhlen=11 udh=' ï#
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: --> AT+CNMA^M
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [16] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box: <>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [16] DEBUG: boxc_sender: sent message to <>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [15] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [15] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to box: <>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [15] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got ack
xterm2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] DEBUG: AT2[/dev/ttyS0]: <-- OK
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: gwlib/octstr.c:1436: octstr_append_char: Assertion `ch <= UCHAR_MAX' failed.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox(gw_panic+0x255) [0x485614]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox(octstr_append_char+0x79) [0x48a23b]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x42317e]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x42169f]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x421260]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x421199]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x41f015]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: ./gw/bearerbox [0x47aa44]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: /lib64/tls/libpthread.so.0 [0x32676057fb]
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29410] [6] PANIC: /lib64/tls/libc.so.6(__clone+0x43) [0x32663ba703]

The message got the smsbox as expected and that seemed fi2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [4] INFO: Starting to service <5application/vnd.wap.mms-message> from <OrangeMMS> to <1234>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [4] DEBUG: formatted text answer: <No service specified>
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [4] DEBUG: message length 20, sending 1 messages
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of a128106c-ca3f-4873-85f9-7d44b1f79c54
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: No client - multi-send or ACK to pull-reply
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] INFO: Connection closed by the bearerbox.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] INFO: Received (and handled?) 1 requests in 0 seconds (inf per second)
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] INFO: Kannel smsbox terminating.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7 (gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) terminates.2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) to terminate
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: No clients with requests, quitting.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3 (gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread) terminates.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) terminates.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller) terminates.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 4 (gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) to terminate
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4 (gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) terminates.2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6 (gw/smsbox.c:http_queue_thread) terminates.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: Waiting for 5 (gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) to terminate
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5 (gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) terminates.
2005-04-25 15:42:02 [29425] [0] DEBUG: Immutable octet strings: 310.

Is there and more info that would be useful to debug this problem?



Gareth Reakes, Managing Director      Parthenon Computing
+44-1865-811184                  http://www.parthcomp.com

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