No.. :-(
i think i'm a little stupid in here...
i just want to receive all messages inbound, and injected to mysql database
and all connection via SMPP Protocol to the operator..


Gareth Reakes wrote:

Hi Ricky,

Ricky Wibowo wrote:

By the way,
sorry if i'm wrong, your configuration seems that if any incoming messages, it will be send again to the sender (MO)...

group   = smsc
smsc   = smpp
smsc-id   = SMSC-1

group  = smsc
smsc  = smpp
smsc-id    = SMSC-2

Above you set up 2 smsc that talk smpp.

group   = sms-service
keyword  = default
get-url  =
accepted-smsc   = SMSC-1

group   = sms-service
keyword   = default
get-url   =
accepted-smsc   = SMSC-2

Here you set up 2 services with the magic keyword default that only accept messages (all messages though) from 1 of the smsc. So incoming messages from each of the smsc will go to a particular sms-service. From there they call a sendsms - but notice the smsc=SMSC-x in the parameter list. This routes the message back to the other smsc to be sent out over smpp.

Is that clear? :)


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