On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 11:55 +0300, Jonas Zaveckas wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 15:39 +0700, Heru Tjatur wrote:
> > Dear Jonas,
> > 
> > You may try to use get-url instead of post-url. You should confirm that
> > your url is capable of processing the incooming request (sms) and, of
> > course, send reply to sms's sender.
> How (and when?) I can confirm that my URL is capable to process SMS?
> What do you have in mind?

I used apache and PHP to process all incomming sms. On successfull
fetching sms'es from telco operator (SMPP 3.4), all smses goes get-url
set in sms-service declaration.

I can confirm that the get-url does its job by investigating the httpd
log. All get-url invocation, the apache should write httpd request log.

If you can't confirm that, it might be your sms never reached smsbox.
You have to trace it back from smsbox and bearbox log.

Hope that information help you 


> > 
> > Hope this could help you
> > 
> > --tjatur 
> > 
> > On Thu, 2005-06-23 at 10:13 +0300, Jonas Zaveckas wrote:
> > > Hello
> > > I need to create SMS based service - receive SMSes sent by users to
> > > particular SMS number and reply them with response SMS. Kannel seems to
> > > fit such simple requirement. After reading user documentation I've found
> > > that sending SMS to some terminal is quite simple. However, the way to
> > > get SMS'es sent by terminals remains unclear. I've create entry in
> > > configuration smskannel.conf like this:
> > > ...
> > > group = sms-service
> > > keyword = default
> > > post-url = "http://localhost:8084/sender=%p&receiver=%P&smscid=%i&name=%
> > > n&coding=%c&charset=%C"
> > > catch-all = true
> > > ..
> > > 
> > > , have started socket server listening on 8084, but SMS'es do not
> > > arrive. If I start fakesmsc like this:
> > > 'fakesmsc -i 0.1 -m 100 "100 200 text nop" "100 300 text echo this"'
> > > then SMS arrive to my server. But if I generate SMS, say from SMSC
> > > simulator (got from 'http://opensmpp.logica.com/introhtml/menu.htm')
> > > then from bearerbox log I can see that SMS reaches bearerbox, but it is
> > > not seen in smsbox log and it is not received by my server.
> > > 
> > > My complete smskannel.conf is attached.
> > > 
> > > Jonas
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > 
> > 

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