I downloaded  gateway-1.4.0.tar.gz and compiled it without options.

We use SuSE 9.2 pro with kernel 2.6.8-24.17 and have this problem since we installed kannel 1.4 on kernel 2.6.
Before this we used kannel 1.2 on 2.4 kernel  , we haven't tried 1.4 on 2.4.

Ok, Maybe too much update. :-)

Aarno Syvänen wrote:

Did you use checking malloc or configure flag with-defaults=debug


On 12.8.2005, at 10.48, Mario Pandolfi wrote:


as i've already seen for people in other posts, i get "out of memory" for bearerbox.
My version is 1.4.0.
I've 7 SMSc (emi) connections and 3 modems ( siemens tc35i ).
We usually send and receive many thousands of messages per day and, beside a little memory leak, everything goes fine. But at a certain hour of the day, the bearerbox takes all of 2Gb of swap memory in few minutes and the machine freezes. Normally we send two message types , binary or textual, with a maximum length of 160 characters and always with DLR. But at that hour of the day we send a report to few persons. The report length is more than 160 characters and has to be splitted in two or more messages with DLR.

I've made some testing and i can reproduce the situation simply sending 20 'long' message in few seconds, here is the message: username=test&password=test&text=1234567890123456789012345678901234567 8901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 8901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567 899990&to=% 2B393479857204&from=4320100&validity=1440&dlrmask=7&dlrurl=http%3A% 2F%2Fwww1%2Fprivate%2Fsms.jsp%3Fsmsc-id%3D%25i%26status%3D%25d% 26answer%3D%25A%26to%3D%25P%26from%3D%25p%26ts%3D%25t%26idprog%3D1

It has the same syntax of the thousands that we send every day except the length.

I think that bearebox has a bug that involves the message split and the delivery report.

With older version whe haven't this problem.


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