
I just started using Kannel for a project I'm working on. This project will receive SMS requests from different SMSCs, some of which uses HTTP, while some uses SMPP. We decided to base it on the HTTP side, so that the SMSCs using HTTP could just send a request to a script in our servers. With the SMPP ones, I'm thinking of using Kannel as a middleman to capture the messages and pass it on to the same script as the HTTP one (the script uses GET so it's easy.)
I may be dumb or lazy or just too much of a beginner, but I can't find a way to do it in the manual. The experiments I did manage to spurn out static messages (like the NOP example), but our content changes depending on what's being requested by the user. And the process is too complicated for a shell script.
Is there a configuration variable that can let me do that? If there is, which one(s) is it and how do I use it? If not, is there another way around it?

For info, I'm using Kannel 1.4 on a server running RedHat Fedora Core 3.



A. A. Ngurah Bagus W.

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