You can overcome the HTTP overhead using SQLBOX to queue the outgoing messages.

It's far faster than doing an HTTP request for each message and it's
also more efficient. Having the sqlbox installed, you just insert the
messages in the send_sms table and the sqlbox queues the messages

Hope it helps,

On 2/19/06, Rene Kluwen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can give some advice that others on this list are likely to give you.
> Try upgrading to Kannel CVS Head. It is considered more stable than 1.4.0.
> I know it sounds a bit lame. But probably it will help. Maybe it doesn't.
> But it sure is worth a try.
> Rene Kluwen
> Chimit
> -----Original Message-----
> Brent Goldspring
> Sent: zondag 19 februari 2006 23:18
> To:
> Subject: RE: few queries
> If it helps, we've hammered Kannel to send 500 SMS's (+ DLRs) via the
> sendsms interface from a Perl script and it did it without blinking. This
> was on a FC4 box with Kannel CVS via an SMPP 3.4 SMSC J.
> ________________________________
> Of Rene Kluwen
> Sent: Monday, 20 February 2006 4:55 AM
> To: Sriram;
> Subject: RE: few queries
> Hello Sriram,
> 1. Maybe the other Kannel experts can shed a light on this. But for sure
> Kannel SHOULD be able to send 350 msgs in a row without breaking.
> 2. As a lame workaround: Why don't you put a "sleep" command in your visual
> basic program after every http request. This until the issue has been
> resolved.
> Best regards,
> Rene Kluwen
> Chimit
> -----Original Message-----
> Sriram
> Sent: zaterdag 18 februari 2006 13:19
> To:
> Subject: few queries
> Hello All
> my setup : stable kannel 1.4.0 on SMPP 3.4 on FC 1.
> working fine and am able to send sms via HTTP interface. I wrote a program
> in visual basic that fires the http command to various mobile numbers
> picking the numbers from the database. These http commands (send-sms URL
> i.e) are sent to the kannel box. Till there were around 200 numbers in the
> database ..the kannel was perfectly sending sms'es to all of them by getting
> the http comand from the VB front end , no probs at all .now as the list is
> growing (its 350 mobile numbers) ..the smsbox breaks in
> following error " segmentation fault , trying to destroy locked mutex". the
> bearerbox also breaks. I then have to go thru logs and empty the database
> till the point the smsbox broke. This is now getting a habit with it.
> my queries :
> 1. Is the web server thats included with kannel miniature in level that can
> handle 200 requests or so in few seconds ? Can i use apache in any way to
> increase or shd i live with this ?
> 2.  Or is there any kind wherein i can to limit the number of http hits to
> the kannel for few seconds ?
> FYI this is the URL i use , when i run this program from VB it reads teh
> database and fills in the field and fires this to the kannel machine:
> URL =
> "http://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:XXXXX/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=XXX&password=XXX&to=";
> & Trim(Str(rs("mobile"))) & "&text=Hi"
> Thanks in advance
> Sriram

Alejandro Guerrieri

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