Dear David,

Kannel doesn't include MMS capabilities, thus you won't be able to get reply 
as MMS pic. Mbuni simply adds MMS capabilities to Kannel, so if you intend to 
recieve MMS, you will need to use mbuni.

Hanna Kreitem

On Monday 27 February 2006 15:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi all,
> It looks like this week I might actually be able to begin working on my
> Kanel project this week.. I've been trying to start a project with Kannel
> for 2 months now.. Never, ever take on an Assembly Language project :)
> I ran across Mbuni which looks like it's based off of the Kannel library..
> I'm wanting to setup a system for basic two-way SMS messages, but allow
> the user to reply with a picture attached (Making it a MMS, I would
> suppose)..
> I hope to build it into an SMTP/POP3 interface, as that's what my existing
> code base is using (Using a paid SMS Gateway provider).
> Does anyone have a recommendation on if either software would offer a
> clear advantage?
> Thanks
> David

Mobile Information Services, MobIS
The Palestine Information & Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI) 
Al-Sheikh Commercial Tower - 4th Fl., Al-Bireh, Palestine
Tel: +970.2.240.9290 ext: 144
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  • Re: Mbuni Vs. Kannel, with respect to MMS via SMTP Hanna Kreitem

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