I think Alex is right here.
Optional parameters are IN the SMPP specs (at least the 3.4 version). And according to common believe in this list, SMPP specs *should* be followed as closely as possible.
It shouldn't be THAT hard to add some configuration parameters that will be included as optional SMPP params in an submit_sm pdu.
Maybe I am oversimplifying things now *goes to read some specs* *comes back*.
How about we add something to the HTTP interface like http://localhost:port:/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=xxxx&password=yyyy&text=zzzz&optional1=chargetype&optional2=chargevalue.
Something like this? I recall this has been proposed before. Admitted, these parameters will only be valid for the SMPP driver (and optionally some custom HTTP drivers). But considering that in normal life "everybody" only uses SMPP, I think it is not a bad idea to consider this a valid "patch".
Alternatively (talking about patches), this can be an add-on to Kannel like sqlbox is.
In the near future, I may have to deal with mBlox myself. Is anybody up for a bounty? (mBlox, are you listening? ;]).
Rene Kluwen
-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]On Behalf Of Alex Kinch
Sent: maandag 5 juni 2006 21:46
To: Mi Reflejo
Cc: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: SMPP 3.4 Optional params

There was an Mblox patch floating around a while back that might be a good starting point for these custom parameters.
Perhaps its a good time to do something a bit more permanent to the SMPP driver and the rest of Kannel so it supports the addition of carrier-specific 'optional' parameters? There's one thing following standards to the exact letter, but another having to deal with some of these weird and wonderful aggregators/carriers out in the real world!
Just my 1p worth..
On 6/5/06, Mi Reflejo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
If you look closer into Simplewire_SMPP_ShortCodes.pdf, optional
parameters are included only in MT or MO messages (submit_sm and

You just need to take care sending interface_version v3.4 in bind operation.

Nonetheless, kannel (as much as i know) doesn't handle optional
parameters in deliver_sm/submit_sm. So, maybe you want to take a look
into the sources and make some modifications for your needs.

If you need some help with that, just tell me.

Martín Conte.

On 6/5/06, Leonard < [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Firstly,
>  There are optional paramters to SMPP 3.4. - Please review the
> specification, or look here:
> http://www.alvento.com/productos/sms/smpp/smpp34.pdf
> section 5.3
> Optional parameter are required to set carrier and billing info mation for
> messagin into the USA where the aggregator does not supply NP lookups. (or
> they cost extra).
> What needs to be achieved can be found here:
> http://www.simplewire.com/downloads/files/Simplewire_SMPP_ShortCodes.pdf
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mi Reflejo" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Leonard" < [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <users@kannel.org>
> Sent: Monday, June 05, 2006 5:59 PM
> Subject: Re: SMPP 3.4 Optional params
> There are no "optional parameters" in bind operations. (Maybe you are
> talking about system_type?)
> Kannel follows strictly SMPP specs. If you need to add any parameter
> which isn't in specs you should look to other way or take a look into
> sources by yourself :).
> Otherwise, if SimpleWire follows SMPP specs, kannel will help you.
> Regards,
> Martín Conte.
> On 6/5/06, Leonard <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I need to set optional params on a SMPP 3.4 Bind, specifically for a bind
> > to
> > SimpleWire.
> > These optional params set carrier, billing and other requirements.
> >
> > Is there anyway to do this with Kannel, or will I have to use their XML
> > interface?
> >
> > Regards
> > Leonard
> >
> >
> >

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