To get delivery reports you need to set the smpp field registered_delivery to 1.
kannel will do it for you if you put "dlr-mask" parameter in sendsms interface.

dlr-mask        number (bit mask)        Optional. Request for delivery reports
with the state of the sent message. The value is a bit mask composed
of: 1: Delivered to phone, 2: Non-Delivered to Phone, 4: Queued on
SMSC, 8: Delivered to SMSC, 16: Non-Delivered to SMSC. Must set
dlr-url on sendsms-user group or use the dlr-url CGI variable.

Hope it helps,

I have the problem that I don't receive always the delivery for the messages I
sent. I use smpp 3.4. The company that sells me sms told me that I have to set
the async parameter but I don't know if it exists on kannel.
My question is, is it possible to sei it?

Thank You!

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