
This conf must serve for what you want:

group = smsc
smsc-id = SMSC1
reroute-smsc-id = SMSC2
reroute-dlr = true

group = smsc
smsc-id = SMSC2
reroute-smsc-id = SMSC1
reroute-dlr = true

This will reroute all MO received from both SMSCs directly to another without to pass for any smsbox.

Obs.: Like i said, in SMS-MO normally don't requests DLR. But in userguide says:
     " reroute-dlr = Indicate whether DLR's should be re-routed too ... Please note, that SMSC-Module should support DLR sending. At time of writing none of SMSC-Module supports DLR sending."

Despite this reroute-dlr detail, the Kannel sends an ACK to SMSC when receives a MO. Therefore for SMSC will don't have problem in don't reroute DLR, i suppose.

Allison Almeida.

2006/8/4, shehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Almeida,
Tx a lot for reply.
Here my kannal gateway actually act as transfer point between two smsc's.So here I basically want , when one smsc (say SMSC1) sent deliver_sm for my transfer gateway & if other smsc (say SMSC2) is online, then I create submit_sm & sent it to this smsc (SMSC2).At that time I want to send deliver report to msg originated smsc.(SMSC1).In here kannel gateway seen as smpp client for both smsc's.
Tx in advanced,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: Re: automated delivery report


As I knows, you couldn't send DLRs for MO msgs(mobile->aplication).
The Kannel sends just an ACK(deliver_sm_resp) to SMSC, informing about the correct receipt from message(delliver_sm) packet.

Now about MTs, you could request DLR for SMSC receipt, Mobile receipt or both.

Someone correct me if  I'm wrong.

Its what you wanted?

Allison Almeida.

2006/8/3, shehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Hi Allison,
Tx for ure reply.
Actually my kannel gateway connected to outside smsc as smpp client.Here kannel act as smpp client.So here I basically used this for sending & receiving sms from/to that smsc. I want to send delivery report from kannel, when receiving sms from smsc. So I want this process  to be automate.
----- Original Message -----
To: shehan
Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:17 PM
Subject: Re: automated delivery report


Explain it.

2006/8/2, shehan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
how to automate sending delivery report , when receiving submit sm??

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