David Ritchie wrote:

We're storing DLRs in MySQL successfully but the DLRs aren't being deleted 
which seems at odds with other people's experience (i.e. 
http://www.kannel.org/pipermail/users/2006-August/000294.html) but makes sense, 
since often we include a dlr-mask value (e.g. 12) which result in multiple DLRs 
being returned.

Can anybody outline any successful DLR archiving or deletion strategies they've 
implemented, or perhaps outline how we can delete DLRs after a certain expiry 
date? Is there a danger (other than disk space issues) in letting the DLR table 

Kannel will delete DLRs from the storage, as soon as the status is "final". Of course it can happen -- don't ask me for reasons -- that SMSCs never report a final state, and DLRs are still in storage.

Kannel does no "cleaning up" of too old messages on it's own AFAIR. Please don't shoot me if Alex or anyone else did implement this.

Actually this wouldn't be a too hard thing to implement. It would be a cleaning thread that sleeps for a predefined time and then loops the storage and removes all "outdated" DLR entries.


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