Hi Stipe

I've got only limited information as it's the customer testing and not
me, but from what I understand the I-Mate phone is saying 'content
cannot be displayed' when it receives a concatenated message. Leads me
to think something is up with the UDH field.

The customer took the SIM card out of the I-Mate and popped it in
another handset, and concatenation works fine from Kannel. Also seems
to work ok from other handsets to the I-Mate. Where it all seems to go
wrong is when we send a concatenated message to the network via SMPP
for delivery to the handset.

I will try and find out a little more, although I get the feeling this
might be a slow process as it's such a weird problem!

I will send the SMPP PDUs from the bearerbox box to the list later
today when I get a chance.


On 10/11/06, Stipe Tolj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Alex,

Alex Kinch wrote:

> Having a problem with I-Mate JAMin' handsets not being able to
> reassemble messages that have been concatenated by Kannel. Everything
> looks ok, and other handsets are reassembling ok. Also sending from
> another handset to this one works, and it reassembles ok too. Just
> seems to be having trouble with messages sent via Kannel.
> Anyone come across any issues with these handsets?

strange impact?!... I'd assume that most probably the segments are send over
different smscs? If yes, this breaks on most common handsets.

Kannel's UDH header handling regarding concat should be safe.

In case you need to investigate, I suggest to "capture" PDUs on a GSM modem
device, so we can confirm.


Kölner Landstrasse 419
40589 Düsseldorf, NRW, Germany

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