
we're using Kannel 1.4.1 on Solaris 10 to send UCP messages with
requests for Delivery Notification. Each message gets a unique
identifier, the submission to the SMSC is logged to a database. 
On every receipt of a UCP message type 53 Kannel sends two messages to a
cgi script which does the logging of the DNs to the database.
At this point Kannel seems to mix up things: 
We sent UCP messages for both an active and an switched off mobile and
got UCP messages with a delivery state of ..0/000
...("Delivered"/"Success") and ..1/107.. ("buffered"/"Absent
subscriber"). Upon this Kannel generated one HTTP message for the active
mobile ("smsc submit") and THREE messages for the inactive ("smsc
submit"), ("message buffered") which are OK and ("delivery success")
which seem to belong to the active mobile and makes the whole thing
We searched the forum for this issue but found nothing.
What could we have overseen? (Yes, we DO use unique identifiers.)

Thanks in advance!

Kind Regards

Bernd Frick

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