Computers do what we _tell_ them to do, not what we _want_ them to do ;)

The regexp is wrong. It matches anything containing (not necessary at
start) "loa" and zero or more d's afterwards. If you want to match
anything starting with "load" you should use:


That will match load, loads, loader and loading, won't match reload,
unload or "lo ad".

Also keep in mind that regexps on Kannel are limited to the first
space on the message, so no, you can't match a space on your regexps.

Hope it helps,


On 5/31/07, Ajay Chadha <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
i am not getting required results for keyword-regex eg i am using load
keyword for getting plant laod through sms , but some people also send
like LOAD DETAIL etc , but this doest not respond to such queries pls see
my config and suggest why it doest not work

group = sms-service
keyword = load
keyword-regex = load*
get-url ="";
accept-x-kannel-headers = true


Alejandro Guerrieri

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