well this is the way man

all the MO/MT/DLR traffic first goes to the db :)

the smsId is he unique/primary  key you could use to fetch the needed 
additional info


-----Original Message-----
Sent: 20 Август 2007 г.
To: seik
Subject:getting message_id from submit_sm_resp 

> Hi Seik

> Thanks for fast response. 
> For some reasons, after I take away some parameters, now it is ok.
> Yes, I urlencode it.

> It is ok now but it did things differently. Not sure it is recommended...

> BEFORE I  send, I actually write to mysql with the smsid and other info...

> After sending ...
> When I receive the dlr from kannel, I update the status for the same smsid.

> Cheers!
> Peter

> -----Original Message-----
> From: seik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Monday, August 20, 2007 7:01 PM
> To: Peter Lum
> Cc: users@kannel.org
> Subject: Re[6]: getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

> man,

> do you urlencode the  dlr-url value ?

> :)

> cheers

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Peter Lum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: 20 Август 2007 г.
> To: seik
> Subject:getting message_id from submit_sm_resp 

>> Hi Seik

>> Ok, I think I get what you mean... By setting the dlr-url during the 
>> SENDING part like

>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ------
>> -----------------------------------------------
>> cgi-bin/sendsms?username=abc&password=def&charset=UCS-2&coding=2&to=91
>> 722267
>> &text=exampletext&dlr-mask=31&dlr-url=http://dlrurl/dlr?smsid=123

>> I am able to get the smsid but if I put more GET variables in the 
>> dlr-url such as dlr=%d, the whole thing collapsed.

>> This is because <sendsms?>  is already a get statement and embedding 
>> <&> in <dlr-url=http://dlrurl/dlr?smsid=123&dlr=%d> will confuse sendsms?

>> Right?

>> Or am I missing something here...... 

>> HELP!!

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: seik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:45 PM
>> To: Peter Lum
>> Cc: users@kannel.org
>> Subject: Re[4]: getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

>> Hi Peter,

>> no man, you got it wrong,

>> the pasted url is the DLR-URL value

>> means, i set each time this parameter IN the SEND PUSH request 
>> http://www.kannel.org/download/kannel-userguide-snapshot/userguide.htm
>> l
>> Table 6-10. X-Kannel Headers

>> in short,
>> "
>> %P&ts= 
>> %T&smsID=8e08a94122e147571029f30caf046cef&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I"
>> replaces the default value of dlr-url set in the kannel config at 
>> SendSMS-User Group Variables

>> so, EACH time you set unique dlr-url and in this way you may get the 
>> external /YOURS/ sms ID value back in the GET request that kannel makes
> ...

>> this happens, because kannel writes down the dlr-url value in the dlr 
>> queue in case the dlr-mask is more that 0

>> :)

>> cheers

>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Peter Lum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: 28 Юли 2007 г.
>> To: seik
>> Subject:getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

>>> Thanks seik for the fast response.

>>> I understand the usage of
>>> "
>>> =
>>> %P&ts=
>>> %T&smsID=8e08a94122e147571029f30caf046cef&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I"

>>> The Url is for sedning, right? But it lack the username and 
>>> password.I guess you are using a DB to do that.

>>> How does the smsid gets propagated thru the whole session?
>>> I mean, you provide a smsid but does kannel store this id together 
>>> with request to send, and reply with a DLR with the associate id?

>>> Sorry, but I am a bit confused here......

>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: seik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: Saturday, July 28, 2007 1:17 PM
>>> To: Peter Lum
>>> Cc: users@kannel.org
>>> Subject: Re[2]: getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

>>> check the mails, especially this one:

>>> http://www.kannel.org/pipermail/users/2006-October/000859.html

>>> paste here the http request you use

>>> according the docs :
>>> http://www.kannel.org/download/kannel-userguide-snapshot/userguide.ht
>>> m
>>> l
>>> Table 6-9. Parameters (Escape Codes)
>>> %I gives the kannel internal id

>>> so you need one more parameter value statically linked to the 
>>> particular SMS
>>> DLR-URL:

>>> i mean, the scheme is simple:

>>> 1. for each SMS you have unique DLR-URL 
>>> "
>>> =
>>> %P&ts=
>>> %T&smsID=8e08a94122e147571029f30caf046cef&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I"
>>> 2. you make the DLR-URL unique by setting unique id of the SMS ... :) 
>>> simple eh?
>>> in fact, you may set even more fields, according to your needs.
>>> but in case you set for the smsid uniq key of a db , you may store 
>>> all the needed data in the db ..

>>> and, i use sqlbox with pgsql
>>> this combination gives me the maximum flexibility, especially for MT 
>>> /Mobile Terminated/ charging

>>> one advice in case you use the sqlbox, if you are about to use sqlbox 
>>> handling all the traffic, not only the MT messages, and you use 
>>> external unique ID to track the messages, you would need it to patch 
>>> the sqlbox in a view to insert the unique ID as well after processing 
>>> the MT messages.

>>> cheers

>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Peter Lum [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Sent: 28 Юли 2007 г.
>>> To: seik
>>> Subject:getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

>>>> Hi Ravi

>>>> I am also trying to do the same thing but I am a bit confused in the 
>>>> process...

>>>> Basically, I need to track the messages from the very beginning like 
>>>> this

>>>> (a) My application sends a request to Kannel to send a SMS
>>>> (b) Together with the request, my application generate a SMS ID (so 
>>>> I know this application is the one requesting it)
>>>> (c) Kannel accepts the request, remembers this SMS ID and proceed to 
>>>> try to send the SMS.
>>>> (d) Kannel reports back DLR together with this SMS ID to the
> application.

>>>> The issue here is that the ID reported back is internally generated 
>>>> by Kannel, not the original one that the application created so it 
>>>> is meaningless to the application.

>>>> How did you get around it?

>>>> Also, I heard that using SQLBOX is more efficient and flexible but I 
>>>> can't find a proper documentation for it.
>>>> Anyone knows where it might be?

>>>> Thank you very much!! 

>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: Ravi Bhalotia [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>> Sent: Friday, July 27, 2007 11:30 PM
>>>> To: Ben Suffolk
>>>> Cc: users@kannel.org
>>>> Subject: Re: getting message_id from submit_sm_resp

>>>> Thanks a lot Ben, Seik and Fajar. All your pointers and advice are 
>>>> very helpful and I am able to get it to work now. I am getting the 
>>>> message_id from kannel now and storing in our database for lookup 
>>>> purpose with our SMSC later.

>>>> Thanks again for the help, I recompiled kannel and installed it again.
>>>> This time when I pass "%i" to the dlr-url, the kannel is being 
>>>> reported back to my application. The logs idea from Ben is also 
>>>> excellent and I am writing a process to do that to add another layer 
>>>> of
>>> checks for the messages.

>>>> - Ravi

>>>> Ben Suffolk wrote:
>>>>> Ravi,
>>>>> I don't recall what a rejected messages contains, but on a delivery 
>>>>> the DLR messages contents contain the id you want :
>>>>> [msg:122:id:0499484085 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit date:0707270748 
>>>>> done
>>>>> date:0707270748 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:.]
>>>>> Maybe you could parse it out of the messages.
>>>>> Regards
>>>>> Ben
>>>>> On 26 Jul 2007, at 23:00, Ravi Bhalotia wrote:
>>>>>> Thanks Seik. However, in my case the kannel ID is important, it is 
>>>>>> getting assigned a value of message_id that is being passed by the 
>>>>>> smsc we are using. So, in case of issues or messages getting 
>>>>>> rejected we need to store that ID in our database to look up in 
>>>>>> our SMSC's system. What I want to do is keep a lookup table of our 
>>>>>> application's unique IDS to the kannel ID that holds the value of 
>>>>>> message id returned from the smsc after submit_sm_resp is received.
>>>>>> Any ideas on how to achieve that?
>>>>>> Thanks for your response,
>>>>>> Ravi
>>>>>> seik wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Ravi,
>>>>>>> i use dlr-urls like this one:
>>>> "
>>>> m
>>>> =
>>>> %P&ts=
>>>> %T&smsID=8e08a94122e147571029f30caf046cef&charset=%C&kannel_id=%I"
>>>>>>> in general kannel_id is useless for me, it is for internal kannel 
>>>>>>> queues only i belive.
>>>>>>> but i have no problems getting it from the kannel dlr GET request
>>>>>>> use your unique smsid value, its just enough :)
>>>>>>> cheers
>>>>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>>>>> From: Ravi Bhalotia [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>> Sent: 26 ??? 2007 ?.
>>>>>>> To: seik
>>>>>>> Subject:getting message_id from submit_sm_resp
>>>>>>>> hi All - I am trying to get message_id from submit_sm_resp 
>>>>>>>> message and pass it to the application we are running through a 
>>>>>>>> dlr
>> url.
>>>>>>>> Passing a dlr-mask of 31 and a dlr-url but the message_id 
>>>>>>>> parameter seems to be omitted from the dlr-url. The dlr url is 
>>>>>>>> getting called but without the value filled in. Here are some logs:
>>>>>>>> Adding DLR smsc=test, ts=8d161acc-0043-4220-8489-7b958fb5e716,
>>>>>>>> src=XXXXX, dst=1XXXXXXXXXX, mask=31, boxc=default
>>>>>>>> 2007-07-26 15:23:13 [7284] [7] DEBUG: SMSC[test]: creating DLR 
>>>>>>>> message
>>>>>>>> 2007-07-26 15:23:13 [7284] [7] DEBUG: SMSC[test]: DLR = 
>>>>>>>> http://localhost/dlr.php?smsid=5492&message_id=%I&type=%d
>>>>>>>> I am passing smsid as part of the dlr url, so that is fine, but 
>>>>>>>> the other two parameters are not being populated at all.
>>>>>>>> Am I doing something wrong? I am not setting msg-id-type value 
>>>>>>>> in the kannel.conf, as I want to use the default value of -1 for 
>>>>>>>> C-Strings. I have been going over the user guide multiple times 
>>>>>>>> to figure out what I am doing wrong, but cannot figure out. Can 
>>>>>>>> one of you guys help me to resolve this?
>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>> -Ravi Bhalotia

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