Setting the encoded text on the udh did not work, if i send the text encoded on the url something like:

http://khost:kport:/cgi-bin/sendsms? user=user&password=pass&to=9911223344&text=C206173ED2071756520756E2&smsc =BETA&charset=iso-8859-1&coding=1

the msg does arrives with accents but when trying to open it i got an "Unknown format can not open the message"

if i use coding=2 the messages arrives correctly but the chars per msg (x 4) increase to high any more ideas?


On Sep 17, 2007, at 12:02 AM, info.ubichip wrote:

Yes, you could try it.

Otherwise the first thing to test it to "encode" the text you put in the
http request!

Hope that helps

-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: dimanche 16 septembre 2007 21:46
To: info.ubichip
Subject: Re: charset=iso-8859-1 & coding=1

No, do you mean to send an empty text and all the coded string on the
udh (160chars) ?


On Sep 15, 2007, at 11:50 PM, info.ubichip wrote:


Did you try to make it as encoded in the UDH ?


-----Original Message-----
From: Nicolas de Bari Embriz Garcia Rojas [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: samedi 15 septembre 2007 15:55
Subject: charset=iso-8859-1 & coding=1

Hello, I am trying to send some accented words, for doing that i use
the following url

user=user&password=pass&to=9911223344&text=áéíóú&smsc=BETA&charset=is o

kannel sends the text áéíóú coded but some nokia phones (n73) when
receiving the messages get a messages saying "Unknown format can not
open the message"

Any idea on how to fix that, or what is the correct coding for
sending accented words?



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