I already found it... it was the killall -HUP that I didn't do, that's because it didn't work. Thanks!

Rolandow wrote:
Hi Seik,

I assume I have to run this in my crontab? What I don't understand is why Kannel isn't writing to the logs anymore. Is it because it is empty? Also, under which user should I do this?

I'd appreciate a little more explenation, so I can understand what's happening.


Kind regards,

seik wrote:
/usr/bin/cp log.file. log.file.$(/usr/bin/date +%Y-%m-%d.%H.%M.%S); /usr/bin/echo 
$(/usr/bin/date)   >  log.file

-----Original Message-----
From: Rolandow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 ???????? 2007 ?.
To: seik
Hi All,

Could somebody post his (working) logrotate.d script? I am rotating my 
logfiles, but after the rotation, Kannel
doesn't seem to write them anymore. Currently I let logrotate create the new 
script after logrotation. How can I logrotate the logs without interrupting 


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