

The bearerbox gives the errors below, I've also included the configuration
we are using.

With Minicom we can get a response using /dev/ttyS0

Any suggestions to get this to work are appreciated.

We are using the latest Kannel CVS with a Wavecom WMOD2, dual band.

I was told the Pin code is disabled.


Any help appreciated.


Errors from bearerbox.log:


2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] INFO: AT2[gsmmodem1]: opening device

2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] ERROR: AT2[gsmmodem1]: open failed!

2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] ERROR: System error 13: Permission denied

2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] ERROR: AT2[gsmmodem1]: at2_device_thread:
open_at2_device failed.

2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] ERROR: System error 13: Permission denied

2007-10-24 00:51:10 [14510] [15] ERROR: AT2[gsmmodem1]: Couldn't connect
(retrying in 10 seconds).




group = core

admin-port = 13000

smsbox-port = 13001

wapbox-port = 13002

admin-interface = localhost

admin-password = xxxxxx

status-password = yyyyy

admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"

admin-allow-ip = ""

log-level = 0

log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"

access-log = "/var/log/kannel/bearerboxaccess.log"

store-type = file

store-location = "/var/log/kannel/storefile"

box-allow-ip =  "*.*.*.*"

dlr-storage = mysql

udp-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"

wdp-interface-name = "*"

sms-resend-retry = 5


group = sms-service

keyword = default

#max-messages= 10

#concatenation = true

omit-empty= true

text = "Default service specified"

get-url = http://localhost/smsservice/service?from=%q
=%25t&smsc=%25i> &to=%P&message=%a&timesent=%t&smsc=%i


include = "/etc/kannelconfigs"




group = smsc

smsc = at

smsc-id = gsmmodem1

allowed-smsc-id = gsmmodem1

modemtype = wavecom

validityperiod = 167

sms-center = +27831000113

#sim-buffering = true

keepalive= 120

device = /dev/ttyS0

speed = 9600




group = modems

id = wavecom

name = "wavecom"

detect-string = "WAVECOM"

need-sleep = true



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