
I'm using Kannel 1.3.1 and I configured a sms-service to forward the
received SMS messages
on number 7410 to the URL

The configuration is:

group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url = 
allowed-receiver-prefix = "7410"
max-messages = 0

This worked fine till I expanded the services with numbers such as
74100, 74101, 74102......74109 (74100-74109).
Because in the Kannel configuration file allowed receiver numbers for
the sms-services are defined as
receiver prefixes I thought that if I use "denied-receiver-prefix"
directive I can define
if the service number prefix is 7410 which numbers (74100-74109)
should not be served by this handler.

I made the following configuration:

group = sms-service
keyword = default
get-url = 
denied-receiver-prefix =
allowed-receiver-prefix = "7410"
max-messages = 0

After configuring this I experienced weird problem.
When somebody sends SMS to a number which is not configured as sms
service in the Kannel configuration
it is handled by 7410 URL. The conclusion I made is that Kannel checks
the denied-receiver-prefix directive sees
that the amsisdn is not listed there and serves that request.

How are the "allowed-receiver-prefix" and "denied-receiver-prefix"
directives handled?

It seems to me that if "denied-receiver-prefix" exists it is the only
list of prefixes that is checked.

How should I configure Kannel in order to have separate handler for
number 7410 and 74100-74109

TIA, Jovan

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