Hi all,
Apologies for the rather lame posting - I ought to be able to work this one out 
myself, but I've been trying for weeks now, with no luck. I'd appreciate 
someone giving me a pointer to what I'm doing wrong here...
I have a USB connected GSM modem - an OEM Nokia 12i (Teltonkia).
Previous postings, both here and elsewhere have shown some very happy users, so 
I know the device works...
After loading kernel drivers, I can access the device at /dev/ttyUSB0 ... but 
*only* when I use minicom!!!
Settings under minicom = 230400 baud 8N1
Kannel (in fact everything other than minicom) refuses to see the modem - I 
assume because of the speed (gnokii gives a helpful "230400 baud not 
supported). The log files under kannel show the AT command being sent to 
/dev/ttyUSB0, but no response is ever received.
Am I doing something stupid here? Is it not possible for me to use minicom to 
tell the modem to use a lower baud rate? (I have tried using AT+IPR=115200, but 
to no avail - all that does is breaks the minicom connection, which i cannot 
reestablish at a lower baud rate subsequently). It really is beginning to bug 
Hints? Tips? anyone?
Many thanks,

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