
Just checked on NOW SMS forum, they have this feature in their gateway. 
Correct requirement is as follows:  

Some HTTP based SMSCs prefer to split larger messages themselves. Check “Send 
long messages without segmentation” if you want the SMSC to split larger 
messages into multiple SMS messages, or leave this setting unchecked to allow 
the Now SMS/MMS Gateway to perform necessary segmentation of large messages.

Thanking in advance.

sandesh k

On Wed, 12 Dec 2007 Sandesh K wrote :
>Changes mentioned have worked; i am able to do POST.
>>gw/smsc/smsc_http.c - line 1486 you may change the
>Can you please help me bypassing 160chars limit for HTTP-Relay
>SMSC. Since in most cases HTTP Gateway api called from send-url can take more 
>than 160(long messages); as splitting would be handled by the
>api itself as it would be doing the end-delivery to SMSC.
>Thanks in advance.
>sandesh k
>On Fri, 07 Dec 2007 seik wrote :
>>i dont think http_sms will do post anyway
>>my opinion is you need patch for that
>>gw/smsc/smsc_http.c - line 1486 you may change the
>On Thu, 06 Dec 2007 Sandesh K wrote :
>>Being using kannel for some time now.
>>Tried post-url in smsc=http; gave error. Seems does not support as supported 
>>in sms-service.
>>Has anyone faced similar issue earlier. Any patch/workaround for the same as 
>>http-operator has given post url.
>>Option can be that i write code which can be used in send-url that would do 
>>post internally; but would like to prefer options in kannel as provided in 
>>Also can use mt-mo which would use sms-service post this works but generates 
>>2 msgs.
>>group = core
>>admin-port = 15001
>>smsbox-port = 15002
>>admin-password = bar
>>log-file = "/var/smslog/kannel.log"
>>log-level = 0
>>box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>box-allow-ip = "xx"
>>admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
>>admin-allow-ip = "xx"
>>access-log = "/var/smslog/bess.log"
>>store-file = "/var/smslog/smsq"
>>group = smsc
>>smsc = http
>>smsc-id = MT2MO
>>system-type = kannel
>>smsc-username = tester
>>smsc-password = foobar
>>port = 16013
>>send-url = "http://localhost:16013/cgi-bin/sendsms";
>>status-success-regex = "Message sent successfully."
>>status-permfail-regex = "Your Request can not be fulfilled now"
>>status-tempfail-regex = "retry later"
>>connect-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*;"
>>throughput = 20
>>group = smsbox
>>bearerbox-host =
>>sendsms-port = 15013
>>sendsms-chars = "0123456789 +-"
>>log-file = "/var/smslog/sbox.log"
>>log-level = 0
>>access-log = "/var/smslog/sass.log"
>>group = sendsms-user
>>username = foo
>>password = bar
>>concatenation = true
>>max-messages = 3
>>group = sms-service
>>keyword = default
>>post-url = 
>>omit-empty = "true"
>>max-messages = 0

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