Hi Joe,

Can you see any potential problems in the above kannel configuration file?

you need to include a dlr-url and dlr-mask parameter in the url your using to send your sms. here is my code (in php) to send a message:

$dlr_url = 'http://DLRHOST/dlr.php?state=%d&id='.$dlr->id(); @fopen('http://KANNELHOST:PORT/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=USER&password=PASS&to='.str_replace('+','',$to).'&text='.urlencode($message).'&from='.urlencode($from).'&dlr-url='.urlencode($dlr_url).'&dlr-mask=7','r');

where the $dlr->id() method returns the primary key of a message sent in my database. so my dlr.php script gets a state, and matches up the id, then updates the state in the database for that message.



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