Sorry for the delay in my response.  I have been out for a bit.  I still
have not been able to successfully connect.  I believe the problem is that
this modem requires a login with username and password.  The smsc-at driver
does not support username and password.  Therefore a mod to the driver is


On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 10:36 AM, Juan Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I have modem Multimodem, Model: MTCBA-E-EN it has an ethernet interface
> and I can't configure Kannel neither, I found your email in the list.
> I would like to know if you have had any advance in configure the modem, I
> have been tried for several days I configure the tcpraw in the modem an the
> ppp=enabled, and I can receive an answer but it is 'Login: No username given
> .....'
> I send my configuration file, error file and image.
> Can you help me? any advice?
> Juan J. Garza
> ------------------------------
> Relájate por un momento… Checa lo mejor de 
> entretenimiento.<>

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