
I would like to achieve the following schema to send sms:

app ---> kannel gw 1---> php code

I would like the php code is seen as another kannel gw by the kannel gw #1. 

In the php code, I wrote some code answering "0: Accepted for delivery" or
"Sent." but the GW1 saw it as NACK and so make it as failed in the kannel

I take a look in the kannel source and I found that in the
/gw/smsc/smsc_http.c :

static void kannel_parse_reply(SMSCConn *conn, Msg *msg, int status,
                               List *headers, Octstr *body)
    /* Test on three cases:
     * 1. an smsbox reply of an remote kannel instance
     * 2. an smsc_http response (if used for MT to MO looping)
     * 3. an smsbox reply of partly successful sendings */
    if ((status == HTTP_OK || status == HTTP_ACCEPTED)
        && (octstr_case_compare(body, octstr_imm("Sent.")) == 0 ||
            octstr_case_compare(body, octstr_imm("Ok.")) == 0 ||
            octstr_ncompare(body, octstr_imm("Result: OK"),10) == 0)) {
        bb_smscconn_sent(conn, msg, NULL);
    } else {
        bb_smscconn_send_failed(conn, msg,
                    SMSCCONN_FAILED_MALFORMED, octstr_duplicate(body));

So I assume kannel saw a good transmission when it receive a HTTP OK and a
message like "Sent." or "Ok."

Does I forget something ?

Does someone got similar issue ?


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