On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 7:46 AM, wahib <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi . I am stuck with a dlr issue. I have tried using dlr-mask = 7 and
> dlr-mask=31 but i dont know why my dlr.php is not hitting !! . I mean i just
> use $_REQUEST[] to get value of 'type' variable and insert in a table but
> nothing is inserted. I dont know where is the problem. either dlr-url is not
> hitting or no value is returned by ..dlr.php?type=%d or $_REQUEST is wrong.

To check if its hitting the dlr.php add some code to write to a log
file each time
the script is executed
file_put_contents  ($filename, "LOG LINE", FILE_APPENDint $flags  [,
resource $context  ]] )

Maybe the $_REQUEST is not set. If you insist on using $_REQUEST check if
it's set. Add "print_r($_REQUEST);"  and see if the "type" variable is set.

I've experienced the same problem with some php scripts and solved it
by using $_GET

HTH, Jovan

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