On Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 9:14 AM, Chirag Baraliya<cd_baral...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Dear All
> Kannel users
>       I have query with the DLR ,In the DLR table DLR are inserted but at
> the time of Deliverd status it will be deleted,But I want store the record
> Of DELIVERD for this what I do

DLR table is temporary storage for the DLRs of the messages for which kannel
didn't receive message status from the SMSC.

If you want to store the message status you need to do it through the
dlr-url handler.
Set the proper combination of DLR statuses that you are interested in
by using dlr-mask,
and then when kannel receives a DLR report for a message it will call
the dlr-url.
In the dlr-url handler, find the message (you need to set a message ID
when sending it),
read the status of the message and update it in the database. The
message ID parameter
is part of the dlr-url, and can be named by your choice.
Here is a tutorial on how to do this:

btw. you'll need to store your MT messages in a separate table

BR, Jovan

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