Hi Everybody,

We are using kannel version 1.4.1 in our servers and we now need the TLV
optional parameters functionality.
For what I know the actual stable version (1.4.3) doesn't have this
functionality so we are thinking about
installing some of the CSV revision.

- Could anyone suggest me which revision has this functionality (TLV) and is
also stable?

We are using this documentation for the TLV functionality:

- Could anyone tell me if this doc is still valid at least for the TLV
functionality?or if there is another updated Kannel userguide?

We are thinking about installing the new version of Kannel in our servers
maintaining the 1.4.1 version too:

- Does anyone has experienced with this scenario? (We installed the 1.4.1
version with a rpm that we generated)

Thank you for your help!!!

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