
I am using sqlbox to send sms. Below are some problem i am facing

I push dlr-mask as 31 & dlr-url =
"http://localhost/dlr.php?messageid=somecustomid&type=%d"; into
send_sms , this goes to sent_sms immediately & i get sms

Now the kannel doesn't seems to invoke this dlr-url, Instead of this i
see a new entry inserted into sent_sms table.with momt as DLR &
msgdata as something like this "id:1024541450 sub:001 dlvrd:001 submit
date:1001041916 done date:1001041916 stat:DELIVRD err:000 text:"

I wonder instead of invoking the URL how this entry got to db.

Anyways what i am looking at is to get message_id from kannel as soon
as any sms is sent for particular sms & store that sms id & the
message_id from kannel in some separate table or just in sent_sms
table in say new field called message_id so that the next time i have
some DLR with that particular message id i can associate it.

I saw in bearerbox logs that we have message_id in response to submit_sm_resp

2010-01-04 20:12:05 [8085] [6] DEBUG: type_name: submit_sm_resp
2010-01-04 20:12:05 [8085] [6] DEBUG: command_id: 2147483652 = 0x80000004
2010-01-04 20:12:05 [8085] [6] DEBUG: command_status: 0 = 0x00000000
2010-01-04 20:12:05 [8085] [6] DEBUG: sequence_number: 105 = 0x00000069
2010-01-04 20:12:05 [8085] [6] DEBUG: message_id: "1024541450"

As far as i understand When kannel sends the SMS to SMPP, it uses the
smpp command submit_sm. SMPP immediately responds OK to the submit_sm
with the message_id.and that is when Kannel knows about the messageID
& i want this message_id to be into db for particular SMS it sent

The DLR could arrive in the next sencond or up to 3 days later.

Please provide me with your guidance or thoughts on how this can be achieved.

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