Hello, Sergii.

Yes, it's possible to send concatenated SM using Kannel.

Kannel itself uses UDH for concatenation and it's enough to set the
following parameters:

group = sendsms-user
> name = user
> username = user
> password = topsecret
> max-messages = 3
> concatenation = true

Also it's possible to use SAR based concatenation using "meta-data"
functionality (optional TLV).

Below you can find part of Kannel configuration.

group = smpp-tlv
> name = sar_msg_ref_num
> tag=0x020C
> type= integer
> length = 2
> group = smpp-tlv
> name = sar_total_segments
> tag=0x020E
> type= integer
> length = 2
> group = smpp-tlv
> name = sar_segment_seqnum
> tag=0x020F
> type= integer
> length = 2

Michael Bochkaryov

On Fri, Mar 12, 2010 at 10:55 AM, Sergii Dryga <s.dr...@gmsu.ua> wrote:

> Hello!
> Please help me to find an answer on the question about concatenated SMS
> (long messages) sending.
> Does it possible to send concatenated SMS (long messages) via SMPP
> connection using Kannel software?
> If yes, then please tell me, Kannel software send long SMS message
> attribute using UDH header or SAR optional parameter?
> Thank you in advance!
> --
> Best regards
> Sergii Dryga
> O&M Engineer
> LLC "Global Message Services Ukraine"
> Tel.:   +380 (44) 284-03-03 (ext.337)
> Mob.:   +380 (50) 465-49-67
> E-mail: s.dr...@gmsu.ua
> ICQ:    343-867-653
> MSN:    s.dr...@gmsu.ua

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