
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about other than complain to
the carrier. If you do have a bulk sms sim plan is easier to be heard
than if you use an standard plan.

Kannel will automatically requeue the messages until it can send it or
the maximum retries count is reached. See manual for how to.

About how long it takes, it varies. When I was blocked by the operator
due to spamming it taked 6-12hrs in order to start being able to
transmit again. After that, it varies depending on the network load. I
get this kind of errors mainly Fridays afternoon/night and days before
hollydays or special days where there is an unusual message traffic
load. Sometimes is just a couple of minutes, but sometimes over 15
min. If do happen frequently, you can play the amnesian role, call you
operator and complain about network problems or delays ;-)

Hope helps


Envíe y Reciba Datos y mensajes de Texto (SMS) hacia y desde cualquier
celular y Nextel
en el Perú, México y en mas de 180 paises. Use aplicaciones 2 vias via
SMS y GPRS online
              Visitenos en www.perusms.NET www.smsglobal.com.mx y

On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 2:43 PM, Emmanuel CHANSON
<emmanuelchan...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Alvaro,
> Do you know maybe the thing/parameter to modify on the network ?
> I stopped kannel when I saw that this error kept generated in the log, but
> would Kannel/modem handle correctly the SMS not yet sent if I did not
> stopped it ?
> In fact what happen when this error occur and we let the system trying to
> send the SMS, does this error disappear after few time?
> Regards,
> Emmanuel
> 2010/5/7 Alvaro Cornejo <cornejo.alv...@gmail.com>
>> This is an issue with the operator network
>> I do have similar problems with my setup. That problem is usually
>> related to the saturation of the cell where your modem is hooked up.
>> Also when starting in this business, I got this problem and it was the
>> operator who temporarily blocked my sim since it was "spamming" their
>> system. Once I talked to them and explain that we have a "spamming
>> authorization  ;-)  " from them (We have special bulk rates for the
>> sims) they changed something in their system and get rid -almost- of
>> the problem. We still have this issue from time to time but it is
>> normal.
>> Therefore I'll suggest you to talk to your operator.
>> Regards
>> Alvaro
>> |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|
>> Envíe y Reciba Datos y mensajes de Texto (SMS) hacia y desde cualquier
>> celular y Nextel
>> en el Perú, México y en mas de 180 paises. Use aplicaciones 2 vias via
>> SMS y GPRS online
>>              Visitenos en www.perusms.NET www.smsglobal.com.mx y
>> www.pravcom.com
>> On Thu, May 6, 2010 at 7:15 AM, Emmanuel CHANSON
>> <emmanuelchan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > Has anybody already encountered this error below?
>> >
>> > I was sending 100 SMS using CGI script (sendsms user interface) and
>> > after
>> > about 60 SMS sent (ACK received) from a Sonyericsson S500i, the phone
>> > started to display the following error:
>> >
>> > FYI it was a spliited message that I sent to 100 destinations.
>> >
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]:
>> > TP-Validity-Period: 24.0 hours
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: -->
>> > AT+CMGS=139^M
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: <-- >
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: send
>> > command
>> > status: 1
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: -->
>> >
>> > 005100099186272711F50011A79005000349020240653A28EDA697E5ED02391D4ECBCB7316484AB482C8651028264382FEA0180E099A86D9EC32A8388787C76590F12D6F974141F7BC0CB286E9611D88FEAED3CB7310BB3C07A5DDE6F71C34AFCB41EC32689EA69741E432887D2A8CDFECB20E74BFDF5DEC303DED9EBFEB6C977B0C6A8198617ADA3D7DD7D9
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:29 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: --> ^Z
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:42 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: <-- >
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:42 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: <-- +CMS
>> > ERROR: 38
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:42 [10149] [6] ERROR: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: +CMS
>> > ERROR:
>> > +CMS ERROR: 38
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:42 [10149] [6] ERROR: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: +CMS
>> > ERROR:
>> > Network out of order (38)
>> > 2010-05-06 20:59:42 [10149] [6] DEBUG: AT2[sonyericsson_s500i]: send
>> > command
>> > status: 1
>> >
>> > modems.conf:
>> >
>> > group = modems
>> > id = sonyericsson_s500i
>> > name = "Sony Ericsson S500i"
>> > detect-string = "S500i"
>> > message-storage = "ME"
>> > # use this init-string for non sim-buffering
>> > #init-string = "AT+CNMI=3,2,0,0"
>> > # use this init-string for sim-buffering
>> > init-string = "AT+CNMI=2,3,0,1,0"
>> > reset-string = "ATZ"
>> > broken = true
>> > speed = 460800
>> >
>> >
>> > kannel.conf (smsc part):
>> >
>> > # SMSC GSM
>> > group = smsc
>> > smsc = at
>> > #device = /dev/ttyS0
>> > #smsc-id = "sagem_my300X"
>> > #device = /dev/ttyACM0
>> > #smsc-id = "nokiaphone"
>> > #modemtype = nokiaphone
>> > #allowed-smsc-id = "nokiaphone"
>> > device = /dev/ttyACM1
>> > smsc-id = "sonyericsson_s500i"
>> > allowed-smsc-id = "sonyericsson_s500i"
>> > modemtype = sonyericsson_s500i
>> > sms-center = "+687xxxxxx"
>> > #mynumber = 687xxxxxx
>> > pin = 0000
>> > validityperiod = 167
>> > sim-buffering = true
>> > log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsc.log"
>> > log-level = 0
>> > include = /etc/kannel/modems.conf
>> >
>> > Thanks by advance for your help,
>> >
>> > --
>> > Emmanuel
>> >
>> > CHANSON Emmanuel
>> > Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie: +687.77.35.02
>> > Mobile France: +33 (0)
>> > @email : emmanuelchan...@gmail.com
>> >
> --
> Emmanuel
> CHANSON Emmanuel
> Mobile Nouvelle-Calédonie: +687.77.35.02
> Mobile France: +33 (0)
> @email : emmanuelchan...@gmail.com

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