exactly Nikos,

but as soon as you have sat coding=1 the whole sms is 8bit binary anyways, so alt-dcs shouldn't be needed, isn't that correctly understood?


On 06/09/2010 07:07 AM, Nikos Balkanas wrote:

Just a correction to avoid confusion.

What you are describing is coding: 0 for 7bit, 1 for 8-bit, 2 for unicode.

alt-dcs is binary and determines the whole sms data encoding either as 00x or FFx. It affects a whole range of settings such as coding, mwi, mclass, but not bits per se.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Kent Walker" <kent.wal...@jasperwireless.com>
To: "Arnar Gestsson" <arnargests...@gmail.com>
Cc: <us...@vm1.kannel.org>
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 9:57 PM
Subject: RE: SIM Data download using kannel

Hi Arnar,

It has been a few years, so my logic behind setting alt-dcs is fuzzy.
Somebody might have some more insight, but I thought that setting it to
1 indicated 8-bit binary instead of 7-bit GSM. It looks like you header
fields are correct. Have you actually generated a valid authentication
value yet that you know is correct? That was the most difficult part for
me. What I did was reversed engineered an OTA that a SIM vendor had sent
to our SMSC. Without that information, there is no way I could have
figured it all out. Remember too that the KId, KIc, TAR values and the
supported SIM toolkit commands are different for each SIM vendor and,
perhaps, each SIM profile. Your settings for Gemalto may not work for

I do this all through kannel connected via SMPP 3.4 to our SMSC. I then
use a wget statement in my perl code to send the message to Kannel.

Kent Walker

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnar Gestsson [mailto:arnargests...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 11:54 AM
To: Kent Walker
Cc: us...@vm1.kannel.org
Subject: Re: SIM Data download using kannel


Hi Kent,

thanks a lot, this is actually my thought, i.e.

 udh - contains the udh portion of the 03.48 packet
 text - contains the Command packet of the 03.48 packet

both fields are obviously url-encoded.  The Command packet is

CPL(2b), CHL(1b), SPI(2b), KIc(1b), KId(1b),TAR(3b), CNTR(5b),
PCNTR(1b), RC(4b), Secure data(xb)

in my example we use CRC32 so RC becomes 4b.  I just wanted to get
confirmed that this format of use is correct.  Have you sent this
command over SMPP connection or any other of the smsc protocols?

Use of


shouldn't be needed, should it?


On 06/08/2010 05:04 PM, Kent Walker wrote:
Hi Arnar,

You are not crazy and someone else has done this:$Port/cgi-bin/sendsms?validity=$ValidityPeriod&usernam




This is perl, so everything starting with $ is one of my variables.

$Header-Http is my string of OTA headers as in GSM 03.48
$Checksum[0-7] is my authentication checksum as in GSM 03.48
$APDU_Http_Refresh is my GSM 11.11 APDU string.



-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@vm1.kannel.org
On Behalf Of Arnar Gestsson
Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:29 AM
To: Rene Kluwen
Cc: us...@vm1.kannel.org
Subject: Re: SIM Data download using kannel


well, I want to do OTA update on a EF that has wrong values. Virus, no
not really.  But someone must have done this before, don't you think


On 06/08/2010 04:17 PM, Rene Kluwen wrote:

What are you trying to do? Write a virus? Heh...

I don't believe it is going to work... but if it does: please share

== Rene

-----Original Message-----
From: Arnar Gestsson [mailto:arnargests...@gmail.com]
Sent: dinsdag 8 juni 2010 16:14
To: Rene Kluwen
Cc: users@kannel.org
Subject: Re: SIM Data download using kannel

Hi Rene,

I intend to send this over an SMPP connection, so I'm not using AT
commands at all.


On 06/08/2010 04:11 PM, Rene Kluwen wrote:

Shouldn't you be using the AT+CMGW command to do that, instead of


that Kannel is using?
Just a question.

-----Original Message-----
From: users-boun...@kannel.org [mailto:users-boun...@kannel.org] On


Of Arnar Gestsson
Sent: dinsdag 8 juni 2010 16:05
To: users@kannel.org
Subject: SIM Data download using kannel

Hi guys,

I want to do sim data download using http interface of kannel.  I


to send command to sim to read binary of a EF, such as


given that I have the profile data required, i.e. the keys, SPI,
KiD values as well as the TAR value.  Then the correct way to send
would be



wouldn't it?

This message should come correctly into the ME and been packed into
SMS-Point-to-Point Envelop in the ME and sent to the SIMCard,



Isn't there anyone out there that can confirm this?



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