
I notice that you are using the sendsms interface to send PPG. If you don't use wapbox, you might as well comment it out in your configuration.

Please update to latest svn and retry. If problem persists, patch attached diagnosrics, repeat and post those logs.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Thomas Sieh" <ts...@gmx.de>
To: "Nikos Balkanas" <nbalka...@gmail.com>
Cc: "Thomas Sieh" <ts...@gmx.de>; <users@kannel.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 13, 2010 5:59 PM
Subject: Re: WAP-Push with Nokia 6210

Hi Nikos,

I have done some more tests. the Problem is, that when I send the first
message, it is stored in the queue, but will not be send. regardless if
it is a wap push message or a normal mo push sms. the same with
all other following messages. but then, for me not obviously, kannel sends
a few seconds after the last message the most other messages in the
queue, but not absolute all. mostly there are one or two left inside
the queue.

In summary I can say: kannel don't send the messages until one is
accepted. but then kannel sends the most of the other messages, too.

I sent the messages with the following 2 commands:

lynx -dump "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&passw

lynx -dump "http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms?username=tester&passw

thanks in advance


following the full logs and the dependent config:

config ::

# kannel.conf

group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = genap
status-password = genap
admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
admin-allow-ip = ""
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
smsbox-port = 13001
wapbox-port = 13002
wdp-interface-name = "*"
store-type = spool
store-location = /var/spool/kannel

group = smsc
smsc-id = SMSC_01
smsc = at
modemtype = nokiaphone
speed = 9600
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
sms-center = +491770610000
#keepalive = 20
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsc.log"
log-level = 0

group = modems
id = nokiaphone
name = "Nokia Phone"
detect-string = "Nokia Mobile Phone"
need-sleep = true
init-string = "AT+CNMI=1,2,0,1,0;+CMEE=2"
keepalive-cmd = "AT+CBC;+CSQ"
enable-mms = true

group = wapbox
bearerbox-host = localhost
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
syslog-level = none

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = sms_box
bearerbox-host = localhost
sendsms-port = 13013
sendsms-chars = "0123456789+"
global-sender = +49157********
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
sendsms-url = /cgi-bin/sendsms

group = sendsms-user
username = tester
password = foobar
user-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
max-messages = 2
concatenation = true

group = sms-service
keyword = default
catch-all = true
max-messages = 0
get-url =
accepted-smsc = SMSC_01

group = smsbox-route
smsc-id = "SMSC_01"
smsbox-id = sms_box

group = ppg
ppg-url = /wappush
ppg-port = 8080
concurrent-pushes = 100
users = 1024
trusted-pi = true
ppg-allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
ppg-smsbox-id = sms_box
default-smsc = SMSC_01

group = wap-push-user
ppg-username = tester
ppg-password = foobar
allow-ip = "*.*.*.*"
default-smsc = SMSC_01

access.logs ::

2010-06-13 15:40:06 Log begins
2010-06-13 15:40:07 Log begins
2010-06-13 15:40:07 Log begins
2010-06-13 15:40:27 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: 'Das ist eine SMS'
2010-06-13 15:40:47 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: 'Das ist eine SMS'
2010-06-13 15:40:56 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: 'Das ist eine SMS'
2010-06-13 15:41:05 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: '<< UDH >>'
2010-06-13 15:41:24 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: '<< UDH >>'
2010-06-13 15:41:39 send-SMS request added - sender:tester:+49157********
 target:+49176******** request: 'Das ist eine SMS'
2010-06-13 15:42:04 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:-1]
 [msg:16:Das ist eine SMS] [udh:0:]
2010-06-13 15:42:11 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:-1]
 [msg:16:Das ist eine SMS] [udh:0:]
2010-06-13 15:42:35 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:1:-1:-1:-1]

2010-06-13 15:42:43 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:1:-1:-1:-1]

2010-06-13 15:43:03 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:-1]
 [msg:16:Das ist eine SMS] [udh:0:]
2010-06-13 15:43:10 Sent SMS [SMSC:SMSC_01] [SVC:tester] [ACT:] [BINF:]
 [FID:] [from:+49157********] [to:+49176********] [flags:-1:0:-1:-1:-1]
 [msg:16:Das ist eine SMS] [udh:0:]

bearerbox ::

2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Added logfile
 `/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log' with level `0'.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Started access logfile
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13000.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
 maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2
 (gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3
 (gw/bb_http.c:httpadmin_run) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: starting smsbox connection module
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: BOXC: 'smsbox-max-pending' not set,
 using default (100).
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Adding smsbox routing to id
 <sms_box> for smsc id <SMSC_01>
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:sms_to_smsboxes) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:smsboxc_run) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Set SMS resend frequency to 60
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: SMS resend retry set to unlimited.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: smsbox MO concatenated message
 handling enabled
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: DLR rerouting for smsc id <SMSC_01>
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Added logfile
 `/var/log/kannel/smsc.log' with level `0'.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: configuration shows
 modemtype <nokiaphone>
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: Reading modem
 definitions from </etc/kannel/kannel.conf>
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: Found <1> modems in
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: read modem definition
 for <Nokia Phone>
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6
 (gw/smsc/smsc_at.c:at2_device_thread) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [6] INFO: Logging thread `6' to logfile
 `/var/log/kannel/smsc.log' with level `0'.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: starting UDP sender/receiver
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Adding interface *
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: udpc_create: Bound to UDP
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 8
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 9
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [8] DEBUG: Thread 8
 (gw/bb_udp.c:udp_receiver) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: udpc_create: Bound to UDP
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7
 (gw/bb_smscconn.c:sms_router) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [9] DEBUG: Thread 9 (gw/bb_udp.c:udp_sender)
 maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 10
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [10] DEBUG: Thread 10
 (gw/bb_udp.c:udp_receiver) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 11
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: starting wapbox connection module
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [11] DEBUG: Thread 11
 (gw/bb_udp.c:udp_sender) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 12
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 13
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: starting WDP router
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [12] DEBUG: Thread 12
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:wdp_to_wapboxes) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 14
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [14] DEBUG: Thread 14
 (gw/bearerbox.c:wdp_router) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [13] DEBUG: Thread 13
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:wapboxc_run) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO:
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Kannel bearerbox II version 1.4.3
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: Loaded 0 messages from store.
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] INFO: MAIN: Start-up done, entering
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [0] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: start called
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [13] INFO: Client connected from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [13] DEBUG: Started thread 15
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [15] DEBUG: Thread 15 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)
 maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [15] DEBUG: setting up systems for new wapbox
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [15] DEBUG: Started thread 16
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [16] DEBUG: Thread 16
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [5] INFO: Client connected from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [5] DEBUG: Started thread 17
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [17] DEBUG: Thread 17 (gw/bb_boxc.c:function)
 maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [17] DEBUG: Started thread 18
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [18] DEBUG: Thread 18
 (gw/bb_boxc.c:boxc_sender) maps to pid 2305.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: got boxc_id
 <sms_box> from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 1
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 3
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad6ee0 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad52f0 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad7450)
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 5
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad6ee0 vs 0xad6ee0)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad52f0 vs 0xad6ee0)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad7450 vs 0xad6ee0)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1210 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad4f40 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad6ee0 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad52f0 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1210 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2305] [17] DEBUG: boxc_receiver: sms received
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2305] [17] DEBUG: send_msg: sending msg to boxc:
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 6
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad4f40 vs 0xad4f40)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad6ee0 vs 0xad4f40)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad52f0 vs 0xad52f0)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1210 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae39e0 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1420 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad4f40 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1210 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:41:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 4
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae39e0 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1420 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xad4f40 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1210 vs 0xae1210)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae39e0 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1420 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae39e0 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: re-queing SMS not-yet-to-be resent
2010-06-13 15:42:28 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: time to sleep 30.00
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:45 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:46 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:47 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:47 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:48 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:48 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:49 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:49 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:49 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:50 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:50 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:51 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:51 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:52 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:52 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:53 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:53 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:53 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:54 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:55 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:55 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:56 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:56 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:56 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:57 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:57 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: gwlist_len = 2
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae1420 vs 0xae1420)
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: sms_router: handling message
 (0xae39e0 vs 0xae39e0)
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [7] DEBUG: Message routed successfully.
2010-06-13 15:42:58 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:07 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:09 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:10 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:11 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:12 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:12 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:14 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:14 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:43:17 [2305] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Resetting HTTPClient for

smsc ::

2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: opening device
2010-06-13 15:40:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: device opened.
Telnet mode = 0
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: device opened
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: Logging in
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: init device
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: speed set to 9600
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ATZ^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- AT
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT&F^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- AT&F
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ATE0^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ATE0
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CPIN?^M
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CPIN: READY
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: -->
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CSMS: (0,1)
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: Phase 2+ is supported
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CSMS=1^M
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CSMS: 1,1,1
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: -->
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:40:08 [2305] [6] INFO: AT2[SMSC_01]: AT SMSC successfully
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:28 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:48 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:40:58 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=94^M
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0051000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0004A74F0605
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 040B8423F01B0601AE
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 02056A0045C60C0362
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C61636B6C6973742E
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 73656C6669702E6F72
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 672F696E6465782E77
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6D6C00010344617320
2010-06-13 15:41:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6973742065696E206B
2010-06-13 15:41:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C65696E6572205465
2010-06-13 15:41:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 7374000101^Z
2010-06-13 15:41:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:07 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:07 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=94^M
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0051000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0004A74F0605
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 040B8423F01B0601AE
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 02056A0045C60C0362
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C61636B6C6973742E
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 73656C6669702E6F72
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 672F696E6465782E77
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6D6C00010344617320
2010-06-13 15:41:25 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6973742065696E206B
2010-06-13 15:41:26 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C65696E6572205465
2010-06-13 15:41:26 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 7374000101^Z
2010-06-13 15:41:26 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:26 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:26 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <--
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] ERROR: AT2[SMSC_01]: Generic error: ERROR
2010-06-13 15:41:40 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMMS=2^M
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:42:00 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:42:04 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:04 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 71
2010-06-13 15:42:04 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:04 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:42:06 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:42:11 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:11 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 72
2010-06-13 15:42:11 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:11 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMMS=2^M
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=94^M
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0051000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0004A74F0605
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 040B8423F01B0601AE
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 02056A0045C60C0362
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C61636B6C6973742E
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 73656C6669702E6F72
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 672F696E6465782E77
2010-06-13 15:42:29 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6D6C00010344617320
2010-06-13 15:42:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6973742065696E206B
2010-06-13 15:42:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C65696E6572205465
2010-06-13 15:42:30 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 7374000101^Z
2010-06-13 15:42:35 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:35 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 73
2010-06-13 15:42:35 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:35 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=94^M
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0051000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0004A74F0605
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 040B8423F01B0601AE
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 02056A0045C60C0362
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C61636B6C6973742E
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 73656C6669702E6F72
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 672F696E6465782E77
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6D6C00010344617320
2010-06-13 15:42:37 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6973742065696E206B
2010-06-13 15:42:38 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 6C65696E6572205465
2010-06-13 15:42:38 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 7374000101^Z
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 74
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:43 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMMS=2^M
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:42:59 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:43:03 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:43:03 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 75
2010-06-13 15:43:03 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:43:03 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: TP-Validity-Period:
24.0 hours
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> AT+CMGS=29^M
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 0011000D91947******
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> ******0000A710C4F0
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 1C949ED341E5B4BB0C
2010-06-13 15:43:05 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: --> 9A36A7^Z
2010-06-13 15:43:10 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- >
2010-06-13 15:43:10 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- +CMGS: 76
2010-06-13 15:43:10 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: <-- OK
2010-06-13 15:43:10 [2305] [6] DEBUG: AT2[SMSC_01]: send command status:

smsbox ::

2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Added logfile
`/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log' with level `0'.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Service global sender set as
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Logging accesses to
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Started access logfile
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 13013.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Set up send sms service at port
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Kannel smsbox version 1.4.3
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3
(gw/smsbox.c:sendsms_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2
(gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:   dumping group (sendsms-user):
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <user-allow-ip> = <*.*.*.*>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <group> = <sendsms-user>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <max-messages> = <2>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <username> = <tester>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <concatenation> = <true>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG:     <password> = <foobar>
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4
(gw/smsbox.c:obey_request_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5
(gw/smsbox.c:url_result_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6
(gw/smsbox.c:http_queue_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at localhost
port 13001.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2368] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7
(gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) maps to pid 2368.
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********> msg:<Das
ist eine SMS>
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 16, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:27 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********> msg:<Das
ist eine SMS>
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 16, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:47 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********> msg:<Das
ist eine SMS>
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 16, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:40:56 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********>
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 72, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:05 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********>
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 72, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:24 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request
</cgi-bin/sendsms> from <>
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <tester>
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] INFO: sendsms
sender:<tester:+49157********> ( to:<+49176********> msg:<Das
ist eine SMS>
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Stored UUID
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] DEBUG: message length 16, sending 1
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Status: 202 Answer: <Sent.>
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [3] DEBUG: Delayed reply - wait for bearerbox
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area
2010-06-13 15:41:39 [2368] [0] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for

wapbox ::

2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Added logfile
`/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log' with level `0'.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Starting to log to file
/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log level 0
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: syslog parameter is none
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Logging accesses to
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Started access logfile
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO:
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Kannel wapbox version 1.4.3
starting up.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 1
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 2
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 3
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 4
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 5
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 6
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 7
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 8
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 9
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: HTTP: Opening server at port 8080.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 10
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 11
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 12
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 13
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 14
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] INFO: Connected to bearerbox at localhost
port 13002.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [0] DEBUG: Started thread 15
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [7] DEBUG: Thread 7
(gw/wap-appl.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [9] DEBUG: Thread 9
(gw/wap_push_ota.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [11] DEBUG: Thread 11
(gwlib/http.c:server_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [5] DEBUG: Thread 5
(wap/wtp_init.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [13] DEBUG: Thread 13
(gw/wap_push_ppg.c:http_read_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [15] DEBUG: Thread 15
(gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [3] DEBUG: Thread 3
(wap/wsp_push_client.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [1] DEBUG: Thread 1
(wap/wsp_session.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [14] DEBUG: Thread 14
(gw/wap_push_ppg.c:pap_request_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [2] DEBUG: Thread 2
(wap/wsp_unit.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [12] DEBUG: Thread 12
(gw/wap_push_ppg.c:ota_read_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [10] DEBUG: Thread 10 (gwlib/fdset.c:poller)
maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [8] DEBUG: Thread 8
(gw/wap-appl.c:return_replies_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [6] DEBUG: Thread 6
(wap/wtp_resp.c:main_thread) maps to pid 2365.
2010-06-13 15:40:07 [2365] [4] DEBUG: Thread 4
(wap/timers.c:watch_timers) maps to pid 2365.

Attachment: bb_smscconn.diff
Description: Binary data

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