<marcelo.olivas <at> up-mobile.com> writes:

> Hi Denis, I am not sure what you mean by work.
If you want to use kannel and 
then build your app to sent and
> receive sms, then yes. Kannel does the conversion
 of smpp to http awesome, so 
in reality you can use
> wathever framework/language you want as long as
 it can use the http stack. Hope 
that helps.

Hi Marcelo, can u please give me a tutor of how to 
"use kannel and then build my app to send sms", 
like u said before? Using http stack or whatever it is.
I cant find how to do this on the web (not yet, maybe),
so if u know about that,
please kindly give me some example. 
I want to use kannel in windows and then build my app in VB.net 2008. 
My app will do something like sms broadcasting, using several 
GSM modem (as I have read that kannel supports multiple virtual SMSC).
Thanks in advance.

*Replies from any others of you who know how to do this
 is highly expected too.


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