Unicode is represented in hex, each character takes at least 2-bytes
(depends on the charset you use)

in case of 2-bytes per each character like UCS2: you have 70 characters
limit for the SMS part, but if the SMS has more than one part (>70
characters) then each 67 characters (134 bytes) will be split into one part

Best Regards,
Mohammed M I Sleem

http://www.abusleem.net  - Personal blog

http://www.freakle.com - The Search Freak <http://www.colorle.com>

On Thu, Dec 16, 2010 at 2:47 PM, JAmes <jam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> When sending a unicode sms, the character count is about 500-520
> characters.
> When looking in the kannel-access log file, its showing like this:
> [msg:956:0051004E00650074 ......... (lots more after this)
> Is this binary encoding?
> Also, how come its showing as 956 characters? How many segments is this ?
> (to determine total message cost)
> Regards,
> J

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