Hi Bob,

> Once I change sendsms-url to
> http://localhost:13013/myscripts/sendctrlsms.php?...., nothing works.

Why are you calling "myscripts/sendctrlsms.php" with

In your case, just call your script with


make sure myscripts/sendctrlsms.php is in your web directory (which is 
/var/www in my case). And then you call http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms 
within your sendctrlsms.php script.


On Friday, January 21, 2011 03:45:49 pm Rudy wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> How do you call http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms in your script ?
> I use the following to call sendsms inside a php script:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> $url1 = "http://localhost:13013/cgi-
> bin/sendsms?username=rudy&password=abcd&text=STATUS&to="."$no_tel";
> $url2 = "&dlr-mask=31"."&dlr-url=";
> $url3 = "http://localhost/tms/dlr.php?id=".$row2['no_urut']."&status=%d";
> $url3 = urlencode($url3);
> $url = $url1.$url2.$url3;
> $url_lengkap = "/usr/bin/lynx -dump"." "."'$url'";
> passthru($url_lengkap);
> -------------------------------------------------------
> lynx is a text based web browser, you might have to install it first. While
> passthru() is php function to execute external command.
> Hope it helps ...
> Regards,
> Rudy
> On Friday, January 21, 2011 07:32:07 am Bob O'Souna wrote:
> > I have Kannel configured properly and can send SMS`s via 2 separate
> > SNSC`s. I now need to capture an inbound SMS and based on several
> > parameters of the inbound SMS, send an outbound SMS.
> > 
> > I think I should be able to do this in my own script and replace the
> > http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms command in sendsms-url to
> > http://localhost:13013/myscripts/sendctrlsms.php?....
> > 
> > In this instance, http://localhost:13013/myscripts/sendctrlsms.php?....
> > will do all the conditional processing and when ready to send the sms, I
> > would have expected it to be able to evoke the
> > http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms command.
> > 
> > This isnt working, as my script says
> > http://localhost:13013/cgi-bin/sendsms is not found. Can anyone point me
> > to what I am doing wrong??

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