Connection setup:

SMPP_PROVIDER <--> bearer box <--> opensmppbox <--> smpp_client

bbox and opensmppbox using mysql storage, both of them have own tables.

Test case:

1) smpp_client open connections to opensmppbox and bind as transciever
2) opensmppbox make connection to bbox
3) smpp_client send sms with registered_delivery=1
4) smpp_client got ACK from opensmppbox
5) opensmppbox sent message to bbox, bbox send to SMPP_provider (opensmppbox and bbox creates DLR record in theyr own tables) 6) smpp_client disconnect from opensmppbox (simulation of connection problems)
7) SMPP_provider send DLR (succes delivery)
8) bbox find correct DLR and did not find connected opensmppbox, so it delete DLR record from it's table.
9) smpp_client make reconnection, opensmppbox reconect to bbox.
10) opensmppbox will never get info about delivered sms and smpp_client too.

So, in final state, when client make any recconection to opensmppbox, any DLRs that came meanwhile outage are lost.

Used latest kannel (1.5.0 from SVN) and latest opensmppbox from SVN. Any idea how to correct this situation?


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