Hello Paolo,

with 1.4.3 i've had the problem before, that if you used the
default-smsc directive in sendsms, the problem you describe happens.
I've chosen another route for fallback configuration.

- Use a not existing smsc id in your smsbox config for routing
purposes, and force sending to it:

group = sendsms-user
username = XXXX
password = YYYY
user-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
user-allow-ip = ""
max-messages = 1
concatenation = true
forced-smsc = ROUTING

- then define your primary and backup smsc id's like this:

group = smsc
smsc-id = PRIMARY
preferred-smsc-id = ROUTING
allowed-smsc-id = ROUTING
denied-smsc-id = SECONDARY

group = smsc
smsc-id = SECONDARY
allowed-smsc-id = ROUTING
denied-smsc-id = PRIMARY

Monday, April 4, 2011, 4:08:50 PM, you wrote:

PC> Hi, I'm using Kannel 1.4.3 in a RHEL 4.4 system. The software was 
PC> compiled from source.
PC> I'm using Kannel to deliver SMSs through a SMPP account, with clickatell
PC> as a backup when the primary account is not available.
PC> I've noticed that sometimes, after the primary SMPP account has been 
PC> unavailable and then brought up again, kannel keeps sending SMSs through
PC> the backup clickatell connection, instead of the preferred connection,
PC> as it should.

PC> Is this a known issue for 1.4.3? Might upgrading to 1.5.0 resolve the 
PC> problem?

PC> This is my kannel.conf configuration, is there any mistake in it?

PC> ##### Beginning of kannel.conf

PC> group = core
PC> admin-port = XXXXX
PC> admin-password = YYYY
PC> log-level = 0
PC> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
PC> box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
PC> box-allow-ip = "ip1;ip2;ip3"
PC> smsbox-port = XXXX
PC> dlr-storage = internal
PC> access-log = "/var/log/kannel/sms-trace.log"
PC> access-log-clean = true
PC> access-log-format= <SMS ID="%F" TS="%t" TYPE="%l" SMSC="%i" FROM="%p" 
PC> TO="%P" ENCODING="%c" TEXT="%b" UDH="%u"/>

PC> group = smsc
PC> smsc = smpp
PC> smsc-id = VODA
PC> allowed-smsc-id = VODA;clickatell
PC> preferred-smsc-id = VODA
PC> port = YYYY
PC> receive-port = YYYY
PC> smsc-username = "username"
PC> smsc-password = password
PC> system-type = "VMA"
PC> source-addr-autodetect = no
PC> source-addr-ton = 1
PC> source-addr-npi = 1
PC> dest-addr-ton = 1
PC> dest-addr-npi = 1
PC> address-range=""
PC> log-level = 0
PC> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/voda_smpp.log"
PC> reconnect-delay = 30
PC> enquire-link-interval = 360
PC> validityperiod = 4320

PC> group = smsc
PC> smsc = http
PC> smsc-id = clickatell
PC> allowed-smsc-id = clickatell;VODA
PC> system-type = clickatell
PC> system-id = XZXXXXX
PC> smsc-username = ZZZZZZ
PC> smsc-password = AAAAAAAA
PC> send-url = "clickatell_url"
PC> port = YYYY
PC> log-level = 0
PC> log-file = "/var/log/kannel/clickatell_smsc.log"

PC> group = smsbox
PC> bearerbox-host =
PC> sendsms-port = XXXX
PC> log-level = 0
PC> log-file= "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"

PC> group = sms-service
PC> keyword =
PC> catch-all = yes
PC> max-messages = 0
PC> get-url = my_url

PC> group = sendsms-user
PC> username = VODA_USER
PC> password = VODA_PWD
PC> default-smsc = VODA
PC> default-sender = XXXXXXXX
PC> concatenation = true

PC> group = sendsms-user
PC> username = CLKT_USER
PC> password = CLKT_PWD
PC> default-smsc = clickatell
PC> default-sender = ZZZZZZZ
PC> concatenation = true

PC> ###end of Kannel.conf

PC> Thanks in advance for any help,

PC> Paolo Crosato

Best regards,
 Thomas                            mailto:tho...@ist.schuldig.de

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