I keep getting this message on terminal in Ubuntu
WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
Below are my config files

#Sample configuration file for Kannel bearerbox on Debian.
# See the documentation for explanations of fields.

# HTTP administration is disabled by default. Make sure you set the
# password if you enable it.

group = core
admin-port = 13015
admin-password = hard2guess
#admin-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
admin-allow-ip = ""
dlr-storage = internal
smsbox-port = 13016
#wdp-interface-name = "*"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
#box-deny-ip = "*.*.*.*"
box-allow-ip = ""
log-level = 0

#group = wapbox
#bearerbox-host = localhost
#log-file = "/var/log/kannel/wapbox.log"
group = smsc
smsc-id = huawei_e220
smsc = at
modemtype = huawei
device= /dev/ttyUSB0
my-number = +91
connect-allow-ip =
sim-buffering = true
log-level = 0

# DLR with MySQL support configuration
group = mysql-connection
id = mydlr
host = localhost
username =
password =
database = a

group = dlr-db
id = mydlr
table = dlr
field-smsc = smsc
field-timestamp = ts
field-destination = destination
field-service = service
field-url = url
field-mask = mask
field-status = status
field-boxc-id = boxc

group = modems
id = nokia
name = "Huawei"
detect-string = "huawei"
init-string = "ATZ"
init-string = "AT+CMEE=1"
init-string = "AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0"
init-string = "AT+CNMI=0,1"
message-storage = SM
message-start = 0
#speed = 460800
#message-start = 0

group = smsbox
smsbox-id = mysmsc
bearerbox-host = 2
#bearerbox-port = 13018
sendsms-port = 13018
global-sender = +91
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox-access.log"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
mo-recode = true

group = smsbox-route
smsbox-id = mysmsc

group = sendsms-user
username =
password = hard2guess
concatenation= true
max-messages = 10000

group = sms-service
keyword-regex = .*
catch-all = yes
accepted-smsc = huawei_e220
max-messages = 3
get-url = "http://localhost/~harbhag/test.php?phone=%p&text=%a";

group = sqlbox
id = sqlbox-db
smsbox-id = mysmsc
global-sender = "+91"
bearerbox-host = 202
bearerbox-port = 13016
smsbox-port = 13017
smsbox-port-ssl = false
sql-log-table = sent_sms
sql-insert-table = send_sms
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel-sqlbox.log"
log-level = 0
#ssl-client-certkey-file = ""
#ssl-server-cert-file = ""
#ssl-server-key-file = ""
#ssl-trusted-ca-file = ""

# Database connection examples. Please uncomment as needed

# Example MYSQL Connection
group = mysql-connection
id = sqlbox-db
host = localhost
username =
password =
database =

This is what I see when I start bearerbox

2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT&F^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- AT&F
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> ATE0^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- ATE0
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+IFC=2,2^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPIN?^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPIN: READY
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CMGF=0^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CSMS=?^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CNMI=0,1^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CSMS: (0-1)
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS="SM"^M
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] INFO: AT2[huawei_e220]: AT SMSC
successfully opened.
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:12:34 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:12:35 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:12:35 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:13:37 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:13:37 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:13:37 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:14:39 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:14:39 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:14:39 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:15:41 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:15:41 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:15:41 [7861] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK

from bearerbox log, this is what I see when a SMS is received

2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: 1 messages
waiting in memory
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CMGR=0^M
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CMGR: 0,,23
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <--
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: received
message from SMSC: +919417099997
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Numeric sender
(international) <+91>
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: User data
length read as (4)
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Udh decoding
done len=4 udhi=0 udhlen=0 udh=''
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [4] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [4] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CMGD=0^M
2011-03-22 08:07:00 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:08:00 [7225] [4] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
2011-03-22 08:08:02 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:08:02 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:08:02 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:09:00 [7225] [4] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!
2011-03-22 08:09:04 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CPMS?^M
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CPMS:
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- OK
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: 1 messages
waiting in memory
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: --> AT+CMGR=0^M
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <-- +CMGR: 0,,26
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: <--
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: received
message from SMSC: +919417099997
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Numeric sender
(international) <+91>
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: User data
length read as (7)
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] DEBUG: AT2[huawei_e220]: Udh decoding
done len=7 udhi=0 udhlen=0 udh=''
2011-03-22 08:09:05 [7225] [6] WARNING: smsbox_list empty!

I am using Ubuntu 10.10 64 bit and Kannel version 1.50.

Harbhag Singh Sohal

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